forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

"Of course," he said, draping it over Anya. "I have a class. I'll see you later," he murmured, leaning in to peak a kiss on Farah's lips.

"Bye," she replied softly, and then he was gone.

Deleted user

Anya looked up to Farah. " Farah and Saul sitting Ina tree" she teased

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"farah dont.. im alright…" she said and leaned back against the woman

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" its what the sickly do ait it… it should clear up." she said and took deep shallow breaths

@emilyevewrites group

"I've been doing research," Farah said, holding up the text she'd been reading. It was a book on mystical impediments. "I believe Rosalind placed dampers on your magic that prevent you from using it to your full potential."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve rushed in, her eyes wide. "Mom, I can't find–" Her eyes locked on her partner. "Anya!" She flew to her side. "Oh my God, I went to check on you, and you were gone. I was so scared. Don't ever do that again!"

Deleted user

" i didnt move on my own, i was forced here by your dad." she said and held onto eve. " im alright before you go asking. "

Deleted user

anya nodded, pulling the heating blanket over eve as she moved into her lap. " farah found out whats wrong.."

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anya nuzzled into eve as she slowly fell asleep, though she started hearing that voice again..

@emilyevewrites group

Eve sighed as Anya fell asleep on her. Ahh. I'm impressed. Eve's eyes dilated rapidly. She figured it out quicker than I expected. Farah isn't one to underestimate. You can tell her I said that.

"Eve?" Farah asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"Rosalind," Eve whimpered. "She's talking to me again."

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anyas nose scrunched with effort. she was trying to get her own word in but it wasn't working

@emilyevewrites group

"What is she saying, Eve?" Farah asked.

"She said that you figured it out quicker than she expected, and she's impressed… And she said I could tell you she said you're not one to underestimate."

Farah lifted her chin and inhaled swiftly.

Deleted user

anyas voice was quite but still there rosalind lift the impediment. was all she could manage

@emilyevewrites group

Eve whipped her head to look at Anya. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

Farah assumed Anya was talking to Rosalind too.

I'm sorry, my dear. It isn't that simple. Impediments are complicated magic, more than any of you understand, even Farah.