(I'm so sorry I couldn't be on today, school was insane ^^)
"Really? I'd love to but it is your drawing, shouldn't you keep it?" Tanrial said, smiling softly at her.
(I'm so sorry I couldn't be on today, school was insane ^^)
"Really? I'd love to but it is your drawing, shouldn't you keep it?" Tanrial said, smiling softly at her.
"Naw," Snatch replied graciously. "I'll keep the other two. I want you to have that one."
At that moment Mike and Bernon came back downstairs. They looked like they'd been arguing. Bernon strode across the room and out the door without speaking to them, but Mike came over and leaned against the table with an unreadable expression.
"Well," he said. "I'm going to go scout out a good place to lure in the water beast. You still up for helping with that, Snatch?"
"Yeah!" Snatch said, busy stuffing the badly-folded drawings into the pocket of her dress.
"Okay, good. In the mean time, you guys should probably train some more, and maybe make sure Bernon doesn't go storming into the woods and get himself lost. I'll be back late this afternoon."
"Where are you going?" Tanrial asked, standing and gently folding the drawing and placing it in her pocket, "What the hell did you say to Bernon?" She looked to the door then back to Mike, her expression less then pleased.
He paused on his way out. "I'll probably skirt the lake and look for an open spot surrounded by good cover. And I told him the same thing I told you. He didn't take it well, but that's on him. Either he cools down or he doesn't, but I hope he does. I could use his help tonight."
Tanrial sighed, “Alright, come on Snatch, let’s go find Bernon and you need to practice your magic.” She said, turning to her.
"Okay!" Snatch bounced to her feet and ran to the door. "I get to burn more things?"
Tanrial shrugged, “Controlled burning yes, nothing big.” She said, following her out into the pier.
"Kay." Snatch shifted into cheetah form and started sniffing around on the sand. "I wonder where Bernon went? I want to show him my fire too."
“Let’s go find him then.” Tanrial said, walking into the forest.
They didn't have to walk very far before Snatch lifted her head. "He went this way." She followed a narrow path through the trees until it reached a small stream running towards the lake. Bernon sat at the bank, slowly flipping through one of his journals. He didn't look up when they approached.
(brb, gotta have supper)
Tanrial looked at Snatch then back to Bernon before walking up and sitting next to Bernon, crossing her legs underneath her, “Hey, everything alright?”
He glanced up briefly, then looked away again. "Hmm."
After another few minutes, once Snatch was distracted by some frogs further downstream, he actually spoke. "I know it's probably for the best. She needs a parent who's one of her kind."
Tanrial sighed, “We aren’t fit to be parents, you know that.”
"I know. Heck, I don't even want to be a parent yet. Still…." He stared wistfully at Snatch as she happily scampered through the undergrowth. "Boy, am I gonna miss her."
“I’m gonna miss her too, but it’s for her best.” Tabrial said, smiling at the cub.
"I hope so." Bernon closed his journal and sighed.
Snatch came over to them, out of breath from chasing the frogs. "Are you guys having another boring grown up talk again? You said we would practice my magic next!"
(off to bed, seeya tomorrow!)
Tanrial laughed, “I did say we could. Why don’t you try to control your fire this time? Rather then running around burning things at random?”
(Alright, bye bye)
Bernon smiled and stood up. "And let's get you back out on the beach, where you can't start a forest fire."
Snatch straightened indignantly. "I can control my fire! I just like to make it go all over the place, is all."
"Okay, that's great," Bernon replied with some of his old cheer. "Lead the way."
They returned to the lake, where the sun was starting to set and turn everything pink and orange. Snatch trotted over to a smooth patch of sand with little driftwood nearby and looked up at Tanrial. "How did I do it last time?"
"You thought of something that mad you angry, something really emotional." Tanrial explained, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh, right." Snatch scrunched up her face in concentration. "But I'm not angry about anything right now."
"You could try being excited," Bernon suggested. "It seems like any really strong emotion might trigger the fire."
"Oh. But….I don't know how to feel something on purpose…."
“What makes you excited? Think about something that makes you really happy or excited and channel that” Tanrial shrugged her shoulders.
Snatch though for a moment. "Um….I like….running."
"Try running around then," Bernon said. "Here, I've got ya." Reaching down, he picked up a long, whippy stick and trailed it over the ground in front of Snatch's nose. Instantly she locked onto it and tried to pounce on it, like a kitten with a piece of string. Bernon waved the stick temptingly, then pulled it out of reach when she dashed after it. Already Snatch was getting visibly more excited, her tail flicking in exuberant high spirits. It might have been a trick of the light, but it almost looked as if a couple sparks leaped from her paws as she dashed across the sand.
“There we are, that’s it.” Tanrial smiled at how excited Snatch was becoming.
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