@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
Snatch skittered around with wide eyes and dilated pupils. "Is it working??"
(brb, gotta have supper)
Snatch skittered around with wide eyes and dilated pupils. "Is it working??"
(brb, gotta have supper)
Tanrial laughed a little, “Kinda, keep it up.”
At that moment her fur began to burn in earnest, and she gave a triumphant chirp. "I deed it! Bernon, look, I am on fire!"
"Hey, good job!" Bernon danced out of her way to avoid catching on fire himself. "How does it feel?"
"Warm! Good!" Snatch started chasing her tail, throwing up more sparks. They fizzed and spat as they landed in the nearby water. "Now I want to keep burning but I'm tired-how-do-I-calm-down-now–" Their was a slightly hysterical tinge to her voice: she was way too hyped up at this point.
“Breath in deeply and try to think of something relaxing, you need to calm down before you start a fire.” Tanrial said, crouching down so she was on the cubs level.
Bernon sat down as well, making himself calm to help Snatch settle. She rested on her haunches, panting, little patches of flame still peeking through her fur. "But I don't want the fire to go away," she complained. "And I can't start it back up when I'm calm."
(off to bed, seeya tomorrow ^^)
“That’s the who,e reason we are out here practising, so you can start the fire when you are calm and so you can control it.” Tanrial said gently.
(Alright, seeya)
Snatch sighed in frustration. "I don't know hooowww," she whined. "Tell me how, guys."
Bernon looked at her. "Sorry Snatch. We're not forest beasts like you. We don't know hardly anything about your magic or how to use it. Mike's kind of an expert, if he were here, he might have some tips…but he's not here, so you'll just have to experiment."
"What's "exspearmint?"
"It means try everything until you find the answer, without getting impatient or giving up. We believe in you, Snatch, we know you'd never give up without a fight."
Snatch looked down at her paws. "…Yeah. I guess I could 'speriment a little."
“Relax a little more, enough so that you still have your fire but it’s… not as crazy.” Tanrial explained.
(sorry I'm late)
Snatch tilted her head, her expression completely focused. For a minute nothing happened, but then her fur began to gently smoulder. It went out, then flared up, then faded again, each time slightly stronger.
"Is it working?" Snatch asked, not daring to move for fear of losing her concentration.
Tanrial smiled, “Yeah, keep it up. Open your eyes and try to start a small fire. Small…”
Snatch cracked open one eye and held out her paw. A spark rose from it and hovered in the air, steadily getting brighter.
"That's it," Bernon coached. "Easy does it. Don't forget to stay calm, also."
Snatch nursed the spark a bit longer, then let out a breath and allowed it to vanish. "I did it! It was like a rushing in my chest. I could turn it on and off, and everything. I didn't lose control even a little bit!"
“That’s good, that good. Keep doing that and practicing, then you’ll be able to be the best fire wielder in the world.” Tanrial said, smiling.
"I will!" Snatch bounced up and down, flapping her wings happily.
Bernon stared at her for a second, frowning slightly as if a thought had just occurred to him. "Hey, Tanrial….I just almost remembered something. I feel like there was something I was going to do, or…." he stared off into the distance. "Dang it. It's on the tip of my tongue."
(Off to bed, seeya)
Tanrial looked over at him and frowned, "What do you mean? It'll come back to you in a minute or two." Her frown softened and she looked back to Snatch.
"Hang on…." All at once his expression cleared and he smacked his forehead. "Oh. Gosh dang it, I'm so forgetful." When he looked back up he was laughing. "I mean, how does a person forget they have wings, for crying out loud?"
Snatch's eyes widened. "You have wings like me?"
"Yup. And so does Tanrial, actually. In fairness to myself, I only found out about them like a few weeks ago, and I've only pulled them out once, but still."
Snatch turned excitedly to Tanrial. "We all have wings! You guys can teach me how to fly!"
"Well…." Bernon rubbed the back of his neck. "For one thing, I'm not even that good at it myself. And for another, your wings aren't fledged or even big enough to carry you yet. But, I'll bet we could at least give you a few pointers for later."
(yeet, the application errors were terrible tonight! I have to go early too, sorry T.T I guess I'll see you tomorrow though!)
Tanrial flopped backwards and rubbed her face, "Lord how could we forget?" She let out a laugh, "Yeah, we can help you a bit."
(OoOoOft, I agree the errors were not fun, seeya tomorrow, though I might be on later tonight, seeya soon!)
Bernon studied Snatch thoughtfully. "So, to start off….can you use your wings in your human form?"
"Yep," Snatch said promptly, shifting back into a little girl but keeping her wings unfolded.
"Okay, cool. I'm no expert in aerodynamics, but I think you human form might be more streamlined and easier to fly in." Bernon rolled his shoulders and spread out his own wings, flexing them to relieve their stiffness. "Wuff, I forgot how big they are."
Snatch's eyes were very wide as she stared at him. "Wuff," she repeated reverently.
Bernon grinned and looked at Tanrial. "Your turn. Show 'em what you got."
Tanrial rolled her eyes but smiled, doing the same, “Gods, it’s been ages since I used these, I forgot how heavy they were.” She stood and spread them out, tilting them up and down and bringing them in on repeat a few times, adjusting to the new weight.
Snatch looked delighted. "They're ginooooormous! Can you fly?"
Bernon smiled more ruefully. "Well…I haven't actually tried yet. Feel like giving me lessons too, Tanrial? There's still some light left."
Tanrial shrugged, “Sure. It’s not that hard really and luckily all out wings seem to be built in a similar fashion so it’ll be easier to learn from me,” She smiled, “First things first, is actually learning to use the muscles properly, so just extend them out, tilt them up, down then flap them once for a few minutes.”
Both of them complied. Snatch could flap her small wings much faster than Bernon could. Bernon, on the other hand, could generate much more force, and soon the sand around him was swirling in the slight breeze he was creating. Snatch sneezed, making Bernon apologize and step further away.
“That’s good, now try just flapping up and down, if done correctly, you should be able to get off the ground.” Tanrial said, doing as she said and hovering a few meters off the ground.
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