Tanrial stepped onto the dry sand and her pace quickened. Once she was a safe distance, she turned to face the creature.
Tanrial stepped onto the dry sand and her pace quickened. Once she was a safe distance, she turned to face the creature.
It sat a few yards away from the beach, mostly underwater. It looked like a huge pike, with a large spiny dorsal fin that jutted out of the lake like a sail. Its wide, greenish eyes were fixed on them, specifically on Bernon and the ball of lightning he was still holding. It drifted slowly closer, fascinated by the dancing, buzzing tendrils of light.
"I want to get rid of the lightning," Bernon whispered. "But I'm afraid I'll make the thing mad."
(off to bed, seeya later ^^)
“You never know until you do. If it becomes mad then form the lightning again.” She said back with equal quiet.
(Alright, night)
"Oookay…." Tentatively, Bernon closed his hands around the electricity and snuffed it out.
For a second nothing happened. Then the creature blinked as if coming out of a trance and hissed angrily. With one powerful flick of its tail, it whipped around and dove back into the lake.
Bernon stared at the place it had been. "Huh. It's…more skittish than I expected."
Tanrial chuckled, “Yeah, for some water creature I thought it was going to attack us or something.”
"Maybe it only attacks you if you're on a boat, or if get too close to its….den? I don't know." Bernon rubbed the back of his neck. "Still, I can see why the villagers might want it gone."
Tanrial nodded, “Me too, but maybe it’s only attacking out of fear? Maybe they could reason with it instead of killing it.”
"I hope so. I'm not sure how Mike plans to deal with it….maybe we should tell him about the trick with the lightning when he gets back."
At that very moment Mike came out of the tavern and started walking towards them. He seemed lost in thought.
"Hey, guys," he called as he got closer. "Either of you know where Snatch is right now? I need to talk with her."
Tanrial shrugged, “No clue…. why do you need to speak with her?”
"I agreed to help get rid of the water beast, and I need her help. I thought you guys were keeping an eye on her?"
Bernon winced. "If this is training for fatherhood, I'm failing big time." He glanced around. "Snatch? You there?"
After a few moments, she came bounding over the sand with a leafy stick in her mouth. "Yeh?"
(gotta go to bed, seeya ^^)
“MIke needs your help with a water creature.” Tanrial said, crossing her arms.
(Alright, seeya)
Snatch brightened and dropped the stick. "A what? Where? How am I supposed to help?"
Mike crouched down to get on her level. "There's a beast like you that lives in this lake. It's been attacking the people that live here, and they asked me to deal with it. Now, what I need you to do is–"
"Hang on," Bernon interrupted. "Before you get too involved there…don't you think there might be another way to do this? I mean, you know…some way that's more…..kind?"
Mike stared at him. "What are you talking about?"
"Like–I don't think you have to kill it, is what I'm saying. I know you're more experienced with this stuff than us, but I thing if you just take a minute to–"
Mike shook his head. "I'm not killing anyone. What gave you that idea? I'm just going to relocate it, and by the way, I might need you two to help as well."
Tanrial released a breath, “Alright then. What do you need us to do?” She asked, crossing her arms.
Mike set Snatch on his shoulder and straightened back up. "We can't make a move until this evening, and anyway we should hang around the tavern until the runner comes so we can give him our messages. But the basic plan is this: Snatch will sit near the water and act as bait so we can get some tranquilizer darts into the beast when it comes to investigate. It's beast is female, apparently, so a lone, crying cub would naturally get her attention. We'll just have to be quick and knock her out before she decides to take Snatch back with her into the water. It'll be you two's job to distract her if something goes wrong, and also to help me get her over to the other lake so she can live there instead. Clear?"
(Off to bed, sorry :( Catch ya later)
(Alright, sorry I couldn’t be on much today…)
“Got it. How is only three people going to be able to lift a water creature into another lake? Surely we need more people to do that?” Tanrial asked, her eyebrows narrowing.
(That's okay ^^)
"She has a human form, like Snatch here, and she'll have to use it to come out of the water. A sledge or stretcher will work just fine once we get her knocked out."
Bernon raised his hand. "By the way, it turns out she's really curious about lightning."
"Sorry, what?"
"I was practicing my magic before you came out here and the water beast came over to investigate. She didn't attack us, and she spooked as soon as I got rid of the lightning, but she seemed really interested."
"Oh. Okay. Well, that's good to know, in case we do have to distract her tonight. Now, it's getting close to noon, and we all have some letters to write. Bernon you have a notebook, don't you?"
"Oh yeah, we can use my spare paper and pencils."
“That’s good then. We should write them now since we don’t know when the messenger will arrive. Unless someone here does know then that would be helpful right now.”
"I only know that it will be soon," Mike said with a shrug. "Come on Snatch, back to the tavern."
"Aw, but it's boring in there," Snatch whined.
"So we'll give you some paper and you can draw or something. We can't leave you out here alone."
“He’s right, Snatch. It’s not safe to be out here alone and we have stuff to do. So, back inside the tavern.” Tanrial said, crossing her arms.
"Hmmph." Snatch hopped from Mike's shoulder to Bernon's and crawled into the hood of his coat to sulk. Bernon stifled a fond smile and followed them off to the dock. "You guys wanna do this in the main room so we know when the guy gets here? I just have to run up to my room real quick to grap a notebook and stuff."
Tanrial nodded, “Sure thing, it might make our lives a lot easier.”
"Alright." They entered the tavern and found a table in the corner, nodding to the bartender, who was speaking with Polla quietly by the counter. Bernon trotted upstairs, and Mike stared out the window, drumming his fingers on the table while he waited. "We can't be too wordy when we write these. I'm not sure the guy from the People's Army, at least, can read all that well."
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