(Sorry, had to go to a show, seeya)
Tanrial shrugged as she chucked the ball back, “No, I haven’t had time to think about anything else, what about yourself?”
(Sorry, had to go to a show, seeya)
Tanrial shrugged as she chucked the ball back, “No, I haven’t had time to think about anything else, what about yourself?”
(that's okay ^^)
"Well, nothing much, I guess…..I mean, I have been thinking a lot about the data drive, actually. If all goes well and Ryker is defeated–or at least brought to his senses–we have to figure out what to do with the machine. I don't think its secrets should go unlocked entirely, if there's any chance of improving life for the people. But….I sure don't know anyone who could keep it safe and use it to its full extent. I don't think there's many people like that left."
Tanrial hummed in agreement, “That’s true. What about the family you said you were taking it too?”
"I mean…Mike's right. There's no way they'd have any idea how to use it. I guess there might be someone over on the east coast where they live that might know….but that's a pretty big gamble to make. Those seaside slums are really dangerous, and I wouldn't like to go there for no reason."
“Yeah, I guess so… then there’s really no one else then, is there? That would know how to use it properly and not want to wipe out the human race as well.”
He smiled and tossed the ball back. "Let's not give up too easy. We can keep it safe for a long time, if we have to. And Ryker can't be the only one that manged to salvage some of the old technology. I've heard there's some labs out west that still operate, maybe we can take it that way once this is over."
Tanrial nodded and caught the ball, “Yeah, maybe. It’s not like I’ve got anything else to do so I could take it if you guys didn’t want too.”
"I don't know about Mike, but I'll go with you. I want to see this through to the end." He glanced out over the lake and waved. "Hey, here comes Polla."
Polla was in Ozrig's sailboat, heading towards them. While she was still far out, she called to them. "Tanrial, Bernon. Is Mike there with you?"
“Yeah, he is. Doing some weird meditation or something, I’m not entirely sure.” She called, glancing at where Mike sat behind them.
Polla threw down the anchor and waded to shore. "I need to speak with him."
Mike heard her and opened his eyes. "What's up?"
"You should have told us who you really where when you came here," Polla said, wringing out her skirt.
Mike narrowed his eyes. "It's nor a big deal. I don't want to make it one."
"You don't understand. We need your help." Polla pointed at the lake. "There's a monster out there that's been attacking our houses and boats. A water beast."
Mike paused. "And…you want me to get rid of it?"
"Yes," Polla said. "We will repay you, I promise. We have nowhere else to go if we cannot live on this lake."
Mike was silent for a minute, then stood up. "Let's talk in the tavern. I need more information."
Polla nodded and the two of them walked off toward the dock.
Bernon watched them go. "Jeez, I wish I'd known that before we waded in here."
“I saw something in the lake the other night, right before the bandits attack.”
"Eep. Let's keep a good eye on Snatch while we're here. Shes just about bite-sized."
(gotta go for the night, seeya tomorrow!_
“That’s true. She said she didn’t like the the water anyway so I don’t think she’ll be swimming anytime soon.”
(Alrighty, seeya)
"Yeah." Bernon turned and headed back to the shore. "I guess I should switch up and practice with my lightning next anyway. That'll be my best offense move besides the bear, once I get the hang of it a bit."
(I'll be a little late today)
“It will be, just don’t burn the forest or he huts down. Then we really won’t be able to come back.” Tanrial crossed her arms and stayed in the water.
"Haha, yeah." Bernon took a deep breath and centered himself, making sure he was absolutely calm before he reached into his well. It took him a minute, but soon he had a tiny thread of electricity in his hands that flared and dimmed with every breath he took. Carefully, he opened his eyes and allowed the energy to grow into a small crackling orb. "It's different than the water. With that, it was hard work to make it bigger or faster. With this lightning, it's harder to keep it small."
“Lightning is… powerful, more so then water. It takes more time to accumulate water where it takes more time to calm the lightning. You’ll get used to it.”
"I suppose so. I wonder if I can make sculptures with this too." Bernon frowned in concentration and started shaping the strands of electricity into delicate legs, then into a wispy mane and tail. After a few minutes he showed Tanrial his creation. "It's supposed to be a horse….does it look like a horse?"
Tanrial smiled, “Kinda.” She waded out of the water and went and stood beside Bernon, “It’s good.”
"Thanks." Bernon watched the horse waver and sputter in his hands, then let out a breath and shook himself. "Wow. It's like it's telling me to let it free. I want to bust out a huge lightning storm so bad, but I think if I did…I might not be able to make it stop. It's almost as if the lightning is alive, and doesn't want to be controlled." He chuckled a little. "Or maybe it's just me. Either way, I clearly need to be firm with this part of my magic."
Tanrial nodded, ”You need to be firm with all parts of your magic, but..” She shrugged, “Anyway, at least you have some control now, it’ll only get easier from here on out.”
"True." Bernon let go of the horse and let the lightning take its own random shapes for a minute. "Hopefully I can get a better grasp of it before we head back to–" He stopped. His gaze had wandered to somewhere over Tanrial's shoulder, and now he froze."Uhh, Tanrial? I think you might want to step a little bit farther from the water."
Tanrial swallowed and carefully walked out of the water, “It’s the water beast, isn’t it?” She asked, not daring a look over her shoulder and kept her gaze on Bernon.
He nodded. "I don't think it's angry, but…I'm not really sure what it's up to. It's just…..watching us."
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