“That’s true. We’ll need to be careful how we word it as they could be intercepted by Ryker’s men.”
“That’s true. We’ll need to be careful how we word it as they could be intercepted by Ryker’s men.”
"Good point. And we'll let the runner know that the letters are not to be messed with. Other than that, there's not much we can do but wait and hope they get through."
Bernon returned with enough pencils and paper for everyone, including Snatch. "Here we are. I'll write the one to the People's Army. You got those Southern Clans you mentioned, Mike?"
"Yep. Let's get started."
Tanrial picked up a pen and wrote the messages she needed, reluctantly writing one to her family. It didn’t take long, since the messages needed to be short and too the point.
Mike didn't take long either, but Bernon sat fretting over his message for several minutes, writing something and then quickly erasing it. Mike watched him with something like disbelief.
"How long does it take to ask for help?" he asked.
"I'm working on it! I just want to make sure he understands the situation." Bernon sighed in frustration and kept writing. "Just gimme a minute, I need to think."
Tanrial rolled her eyes, “Hurry up, please, Bernon.”
Snatch had been busy drawing all this time. Now she picked up her paper and waved the mess of scribbles at Tanrial. "Tanrial, look what I drewed!"
(brb, having supper)
Tanrial smiled softly, “Nice job, Snatch. You should try drawing Mike.” She suggested.
Snatch squinted at Mike, then started drawing furiously. Mike stared at her with mild amusement as a spiky, vaguely circular blob began to take shape on her paper. "Is that really what I look like?"
"Duh! It's exactly what you look like!" Snatch paused to study Mike's eyes for a moment, then went back to work. "It's gonna be the best picture of you you ever saw."
Mike grinned. "Oh boy, I can't wait."
(gotta head to bed, laterz)
Tanrial chuckled, “You should do Bernon next, see if you can draw him even better then Mike. Which I have not doubt you will as one, Mike is boring to draw and two, you’re an amazing artist.”
(Bye bye)
Mike snorted, and Snatch nodded graciously. "Jus' a minute. I gotta finish this one first." Adding one last careful scrawl to the artwork, she handed it to Mike and ripped a third page out of Bernon's notebook. "Bernon's not as…..scribbly," she observed, starting with some large, slightly wobbly curves.
Mike frowned at his portrait. "I hope not, because I look like the back end of a hedgehog."
Snatch added a series of crazy spirals to Bernon's face for no apparent reason. "Want me to do you after this, Tanrial?"
Tanrial thought for a moment, "You should draw all of us, as one group." She said, resting her elbows on the table.
"Hang on." Snatch chewed the end of her pencil until it was sharp again, then went back to work. "Almost done."
Bernon finally sat back with a sigh. "Well….I guess that'll have to do. I'm done."
Mike leaned back to look out the window. "Good timing. I see someone on horseback heading this way."
A man on what looked to be some dark coloured horse, pulling along a wooden cart was stopping at the end of the pier. Once stopped, he tied the reigns to a near by tree, gave the horse an apple before heading along the pier towards the tavern. He pushed open the door and headed to the bar, addressing the bartender who, went back to find an assortment of letters, needing to be sent off.
Bernon quickly gathered up all the messages they'd written and went over to contribute them. Mike stayed seated and watched with folded arms. "And now, the worries set in. I hope the addresses are all still correct. I hope that guy's not as slow as he looks. I hope he's able to take the letters as far as they need to go."
The guy took the letters from Bernon and frowned at them before putting them in his bag, along with the others he'd been given. Bidding his farewells, he left to deliverer what he needed.
"Hopefully he'll be able to do it, and quickly too." Tanrial said to Mike as she watched him go.
Snatch finished her artwork and sat back. "Done! Where's Bernon?"
Bernon came back over with lunch for all of them. "What's up, kiddo?"
"I finished your drawing," she said proudly, holding up the crumpled page. Bernon took it and sat down. "Um…..this is…..really nice, Snatch! It looks just like me!"
Mike took a bite of food and leaned over to see for himself. "You look like a spinning potato. Good work, Snatch. You're a born artist."
Snatch beamed and began shoveling fish into her mouth. "I know. I'mma draw lots more later."
Tanrial laughed, “Alright then Snatch. Theses drawings are very good, spot on if I do say so.”
Snatch tossed her hair proudly. "When I draw you, it'll knock your socks off! But right now I'm hungry, so you'll have to wait."
“Ah, alright then. Leave me in suspense then.” She said, smiling slightly.
Mike rose casually, taking his plate with him. "Don't wait too long, Snatch. We've got a busy night ahead of us." Walking around the table, he spoke quietly to Tanrial. "Hey, can we talk outside for a minute?"
“Sure.” Tanrial replied, standing, “I’m feeling a little hot, I’ll be outside of anyone needs me.” She lied, before heading outside.
Mike met her on the front porch of the tavern. "So….I've been thinking. About Snatch." He paused and glanced out over the water. "I think, if this water beast is healthy and sociable, we should seriously consider encouraging her to adopt Snatch as her own. It would help them both acclimate to their new home, and Snatch needs a better parenting job than we an provide." Mike looked down at his meal. "Something we should at least consider. Thought I'd mention it before this evening."
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