“You go out, I’ll just get changed.” Tanrial said. After Snatch had left, she quickly changed into some more sutible and grabbed her bow and sword before heading out.
“You go out, I’ll just get changed.” Tanrial said. After Snatch had left, she quickly changed into some more sutible and grabbed her bow and sword before heading out.
Bernon was already standing in the hall, dutifully admiring Snatch's new clothes as she spun around in front of him. "They look very nice," he said. "Downright swashbuckling."
"Yeah! Swashbuckling!" Snatch whipped around and dashed downstairs to show Mike. As soon as she left, Bernon's shoulders drooped.
"Gosh dang it, I miss her already," he mumbled. "And she hasn't even left yet."
Tanrial came out a smiled at Bernon softly, “All ready? Don’t look so sad, I’m sure you’ll see her again soon.”
He heaved a sigh and adjusted his coat. "Yeah. I'm ready. Let's do this."
They walked downstairs to Mike and Snatch, tabeual adjusted her bow on her back when they reached them, “All ready?”
Mike nodded. "There's a sled underneath the dock we can borrow. Bernon, will you pull it?"
"Sure, although I think I'll need some help once we're actually carrying something on it."
"Of course. We'll team up at that point." Mike led them outside and onto the beach. "Tanrial, pass me your two best arrows right quick."
(brb, back in like twenty minutes)
(and now I have to go, seeya tomorrow ^^)
(Alright, seeya then)
Tanrial did as instructed and removed her best arrows, “I hope this works, otherwise this’ll all go to hell.” She muttered, handing Mike the arrows.
Mike took out a flask, uncapped it, and dipped each arrow carefully in. The flask's contents were dark and slightly sticky, like molasses. Bernon wrinkled his nose, having joined them with the wooden sled by now. "What is that stuff?
"It's the tranquilizing agent mixed with water, a little flour, and a little syrup. It's just to make it stick to the arrow tips a bit better. I honestly could have used dirt and pine sap, but the trees are too cold this time of year to get anything out of." He handed back the arrows and returned the flask to his belt.
Snatch sniffed the air with interest. "It smells yummy."
"Don't try tasting it," Mike warned. "There's enough sleepy stuff in there to bring down a full-grown water beast. A kid your size would be pretty sick if they had even a little."
"Here, Snatch," Bernon said. "Sit on my shoulders?"
"Huff. Okay."
Once she was settled, Mike checked his new gun and nodded. "Okay, let's go. I wan't to reach the cove before we lose this last bit of daylight."
"How far's the cove again?" Tanrial asked, making her way over towards the door, holding it open for them all.
"Just a short walk," Mike said. "You can actually see it from here." He pointed at the curve of the shore ahead, where a distant patch of shadows indicated a place where the lake had taken a scoop out of the land. "Maybe a ten, fifteen minute long trip."
Tanrial nodded, “Alright, that sounds good.”
They continued to walk and got there just as the lat rays of sun were slipping under the far edge of the lake. Bernon dropped the sled's rope and took a quick breather while Mike looked for some good climbing trees for them. Snatch had almost fallen asleep in Bernon's hood on the way there, but now she looked wide awake. She hopped to the ground and trotted over to the water, her nose to the ground. "Where will I be?"
"Front and center," Mike said, "right here in the center of the cove, in plain sight. All you have to do is sit there and be loud and lonely-sounding, all right? Pretend you're lost and you're calling for help."
"Okay I can do that."
"Good. Bernon, hide the sled in those bushes and get up in that tree over there. Tanrial, you take the other side. I'll be in the tree right behind Tanrial. If all goes well, I should be the only one that needs to fire a shot, but stay alert and be ready for anything. Everybody got it?"
“Got it.” Tanrial walked to the tree Mike had pointed to and climbed quickly to a sturdy branch and knocked an arrow into her bow, just in case she needed to use it, “Let’s hope this works.”
Bernon climbed up into his own tree and gave her a thumbs up. Mike checked his gun one last time, then settled back until he was nearly invisible.
Snatch stood on the beach, her eyes skimming the now-dark water intently. The moon was rising somewhere behind them, but it would be a while before it reached their sheltered cove. Taking a deep breath, Snatch fluffed up her wings and began to yowl.
It was a thin, trailing, plaintive sound that was hard to ignore, and it carried out over the waves clearly. Snatch truly sounded distressed, like an abandoned kitten, and she even managed a few squeaks of pretended pain as well. She carried on like this for what felt like a long time, but aside from the curious night bird or two, nothing approached them. Snatch paused and glanced at Mike, but he shook his head. "Be patient. Keep going."
(brb, havin supper)
“I don’t think it’s working…” Tanrial muttered, taking a glance at Mike.
Mike's eyes stayed on the water. "Don't lose your focus. We still have a long night ahead of us."
Snatch sighed and continued crying, now with a more whiny tone to her voice. For another thirty minutes, nothing happened.
Then, as the moon was rising over the trees, something large and scaly slid through the water a few yards away.
Tabeials eyes narrowed on the water, on the thing that moved, drawing the arrow back further, “Come on, come on…”
Snatch continued wailing with renewed vigor, her ears perked towards the sounds of splashing water. After a few more minutes, the lake boiled and a huge, serpent-like shape rose out of it. The creature looked like a giant snake or eel except for the fact that it had two reptilian limbs on one side, and three on the other. It stared at Snatch with a cold, unreadable gaze, slowly drifting closer.
Snatch stopped crying, enthralled by the creature. She didn't seem afraid in the slightest. Instead, she tilted her head curiously and let out an inquisitive chirp.
Smoothly, the creature shrank and slid onto the shore. Now it was a woman, dressed in rags, with silvery skin and one arm smaller than the other. She stepped towards Snatch cautiously, seeming reluctant to set foot on dry land.
The arrow in Tanrials now slackened a little At then sight of the woman but was quickly pulled tight again. She turned to Mike, waiting.
Mike didn't make a move yet, watching the scene closely.
Snatch waited until the woman was quite close, then shifted into human form as well. "Who are you?" she asked.
The woman blinked almost skittishly. "I'm…..Fear. Who are you? What are you doing here?"
"I'm Snatch. I'm lost." Snatch blinked innocently up at Fear. "Why do your arms look weird?"
Fear glanced at her stunted arm as if only just noticing. "I dunno. It's always been like that." Her interest moved quickly back to Snatch. "Where is you mother and father?"
Snatch looked down sadly. "They're gone. They're not coming back."
"Oh…" Fear's eyes softened. "…you need someone to take care of you." She made as if to reach out towards Snatch and pick her up.
A second later a small dart blossomed in her shoulder. She hissed and jerked back, starting to return to her animal form, but halfway there she slumped and collapsed in the shallow water, completely unconscious.
Mike was already descending the tree. "Get her out of the lake, quick. She's taking in water."
“You couldn’t have done that earlier?” Tanrial said, climbing down the tree to help pick up Fear, transferring her to the sled.
"Wanted to confirm they'd get along," he said. "Looks like they will."
Snatch hopped onto the sled with Fear, looking alarmed. "Is she okay? Where are we taking her? Can I talk to her some more?"
(gotta go to bed, seeya)
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