“Okay, I believe you.” Liam said, glancing at Cyprus once more before returning his gaze to the sky.
“Okay, I believe you.” Liam said, glancing at Cyprus once more before returning his gaze to the sky.
Cyprus let out a sigh, eyes drifting across the clouds. The sky was beginning to darken, the moon beginning to rise over the clearing
“Have you had any other visitors? Besides me?” Liam asked, keeping his gaze on the sky.
"No. No one visits my grave anymore," Cyprus said, something sad in his voice. "But I like to come here when I can get away from my host. It's…sort of nostalgic, I suppose."
“Yeah. I suppose that true. It’s a shame no one visits you anymore.” Liam said, feeling sad for Cyprus.
"Well, I mean, I've only been here to visit for the past…hundred years? Fifty?" Cyprus said, frowning as he struggled to remember when he had escaped purgatory
“Can’t remember, huh? Well it doesn’t matter, really.” Liam replied, “You’re able to visit now that’s all that matters.”
Cyprus shrugged. "Yes, I suppose you're right," he hummed. He glanced over towards the sunset, a few stars beginning to twinkle into view. "You know, you're the nicest person I've met in a long time as well."
Liam rolled onto his stomach and placed his head on his hands, “Yeah? I try to be nice to everyone, doesn’t always work but most of the time it does. Luckily. You;re the first ghost I’ve ever met.”
"And you're the first nice human that I've met since my death," Cyprus commented. "My host is rude. He's nice to everyone but me. Though I suppose that's justified. And because of what he tells everyone, none of his crew is nice to me either," he said as he crossed his arm loosely across his chest
“I’m sorry about that. I wish you had a nice host.” Liam said, “Make your… life? Death? Easier”
"Well, I did sort of hijack his body as soon as I met him. Though in my defense I was still reeling from being holed up in purgatory for hundreds of years," Cyprus said with a shrug
“Yeah, guess so.” Liam said, sighing. He was still didn’t quite believe this was happening but it was.
"But hey, if it weren't for me he technically wouldn't be alive," Cyprus continued, beginning to talk more to himself than to Liam. He couldn't help it, it was just something he tended to do
Liam closed his eyes and nodded occasionally to what Cyprus was saying. He wasn’t quite listening, feeling like he would wall asleep but Cyprus wasn’t really talking to him so it didn’t matter
"He threw such a fit when he lost his leg, too. 'Oh, Cyprus look what you've done! I've lost my leg, but now I have a much cooler mechanical one that I'd never have if you hadn't made me lose my old one!'" Cyprus said, pretending to be his host with a high-pitched version of his voice. "You'd like a mechanical leg, wouldn't you?" he turned to ask Liam
“Hm? Oh sure, yeah.” Liam said, opening his eyes and rolling onto his side to make it look like he was listening. In truth he hadn’t heard anything Cyprus had said.
"See? My point exactly!" Cyprus huffed, waving his hand theatrically before letting it rest on his chest again. He sighed, his gaze returning to the clouds
“I don’t think you’ve talked that much in one go since I met you.” Liam said, smiling and rolling onto his back to look up at the sky. He let out a deep breath.
"Probably because I never get to talk around my host and his friends," Cyprus said, glancing over at Liam
“Yeah. Well, you’ve got me to talk to now.” Liam replied with a smile.
Cyprus smiled back at him before turning to look at the fading clouds. "You know what, I talk too much. Tell me something about yourself."
“Uh, I’m 19 years old, work and go to collage and live a boring life. There isn’t much to me.” Liam said, shrugging one shoulder.
"Well, before I was ripped apart by a two-headed dragon spirit I had a rather boring life as well," Cyprus said with a shrug
“Yes but you’re a prince! A gods damned Prince, Cyprus! That’s not boring.” Liam countered.
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