“Clearly he didn’t know.” Liam pulled back a little so he could look at Cyrpus’s face, “It’s going to be okay, yeah? You’re going to be okay.” He said softly.
“Clearly he didn’t know.” Liam pulled back a little so he could look at Cyrpus’s face, “It’s going to be okay, yeah? You’re going to be okay.” He said softly.
Cyprus sniffled a bit before nodding. “I’m s-sorry you had to see like this,” he mumbled, hand reaching up to wipe at his splotchy face
“Don’t worry about it, at least I know you have more then two emotions now.” He replied, giving him a small smile.
"Thanks," Cyprus replied dryly before using the end of his cloak to wipe at his eyes
“But, if you do need anyone to talk to then just give me a shout and I’ll be here.” Liam said, leaning back on his arms casually.
Cyprus nodded before making himself comfortable leaning against the grave marker. "Maybe he's just…stressed, or something. I mean we technically can't be separated, I'm connected to him all the time. I just wish he wasn't so mean."
“I know, but there’s nothing that you can do if he isn’t here. If.. when he comes back for you, try and talk civilly, none of the sarcastic nonsense.” Liam saturated to pick at the grass.
"Liam, that's like asking a jaguar to talk sensibly with its prey," Cyprus scoffed. "Apologies sir rabbit, but it appears I have to consume your flesh to survive. Truly sorry about all that, but I'll make sure to make your death as painless as possible," he said sarcastically
Liam rolled his eyes, “See? You can barely go five minutes without being sarcastic in some way. It wouldn’t hurt to try and be nice to him so he is nice to you.”
"But that's not fair," Cyprus complained before shifting so he could lay on his back. "He can apologize to me first. Then I might think of being slightly less…me."
Liam moved so he was leaning over the top of Cyprus, “Cyprus, we both know that is not going to happen. You need to make the effort to apologise otherwise Jay isn’t going to consider it.”
"But I didn't do anything wrong!" Cyprus whined, throwing his arm up in the air theatrically. He stared up at Liam, suddenly feeling sheepish under his gaze. And are people supposed to hover so close above each other like that?
Liam raised an eyebrow at him, but didn’t say anything. If Cyprus was going to act like a child then Liam would let him as he probably isn’t going to listen to him anymore. He then realised how close he was to Cyprus and sat back, crossing his legs so he wasn’t leaning over him anymore.
"Look, I know I'm sarcastic and annoying, but I shouldn't have to be nicer to someone without them apologizing for being horrible to me," Cyprus muttered
“You said Jay was nice to everyone but you. If you at least try and make an effort and if he is still mean to you, please by all means be as sarcastic as you want but if does become nicer then you know you’re doing something right.” Liam said quietly, looking at his lap.
Cyprus gave a noise of exasperation. "That's the problem. I've apologized to him a million times and he never believes me. He just nods along before going back to whatever he's doing."
“Okay,” Liam sighed, “Sorry, Cyprus but I don’t know how else I can help. That’s all the advice I have at the moment.
"It's okay," Cyprus muttered. He stared up at the clouds, suddenly feeling bad for causing Liam so much trouble
Liam nodded and laced down next to Cyprus, one hand on his chest the the other fiddling with the locket Cyprus had given him the other night. It felt warm again, and Liam relaxed a little.
"Has that locket brought you any luck yet?" Cyprus asked, making an attempt at trying to change the subject
Liam shook his head, “No, it hasn’t. There hasn’t been any chance for it to bring me any I guess…”
"Well, maybe you'll find fifty dollars or something on the streets," Cyprus said with a smile
Liam huffed a laugh, “Maybe, I hope so. Just have to wait and see.” He said, quietly.
Cyprus hummed in agreement, looking up at the clouds as he usually did
Liam sighed and closed his eyes as they lay in a comfortable silence. It was a peaceful evening and the only sounds were the birds twittering and their breathing.
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