Liam looked back over his shoulder and gave Cyprus a small wave before disappearing into the trees, a smile on his face.
(Should we skip to sunset?)
Liam looked back over his shoulder and gave Cyprus a small wave before disappearing into the trees, a smile on his face.
(Should we skip to sunset?)
Liam was running a little late but he couldn’t help it. He ran through the trees and to the clearing where he was to meet up with Cyprus again
Cyprus was waiting in the same spot, floating just a bit above the grave marker. He was growing faintly anxious, which was highly unlike him. Why was Liam late? Had something happened?
Liam quickly broke through the trees and waved at Cyprus, trying to catch his breath. He walked over to him, “Sorry, got held up with some stuff back at home.” He said, bowing once more.
"That's alright," Cyprus responded, moving to sit atop the grave marker like he usually did. He gave a small bow from on top of it, a small smile crossing his face. "But what was so important that you kept a prince of all people waiting?" he asked, his usual snark returning
Liam moved closer and sat down on the grass, leaning back on his hands, “Work stuff, I tried to get out of it, believe me but they needed me there. Late night rush.” He explained
"Where do you work? Food services?" Cyprus asked curiously, folding his legs beneath him as he propped his head up with one arm. "I've noticed most of this generation tends to work in food services."
Liam shook his head, “Surprisingly no. I work in a Target, which is only slightly better then food services.” He admitted, looking at Cyprus, “But it’sthe Only thing I can handle with collage as well.”
"College? What do you go to college for?" Cyprus continued to ask. He was a rather curious person, and being confined to his host's head most of the time didn't usually help with that fact
“I study astronomy. I would like to be an astronomer.” He explained, looking at his knees. He wasn’t ashamed of it, but most of his friends and family said they would have liked if he went into sports so he was always nervous admitting his chosen course.
"Well, that's just like my host and his crew," Cyprus said, a grin spreading across his face as he did a few lazy turns while he floated. "Whole band of ragtag astronomers and explorers. They call themselves 'charters,' if I remember correctly."
Liam nodded, “Yeah. I plan on working in the observatory but,” He shrugged, “Who knows. Anything could happen.”
"Observatories are nice," Cyprus hummed. "I knew another prince who owned a rather large observatory. I hear his kingdom has vanished however, though I'm not quite sure how it happened."
“Yeah, I didn’t even know a kingdom was here let alone there be others.” Liam said, picking at the grass, “History isn’t my strong point.”
"Well, it's not history taught in books," Cyprus explained. "My kingdom fell roughly around the time Europe was rising to power. That was at least 500 years ago, give or take a century. My friend's kingdom is rumored to have never even existed, which I suppose is a worse fate," he said with a small chuckle
“He isn’t Arthur Pendragon, is he? From Arthurian legend, with Merlin, Morgana and so on?” He asked, sitting forward and crossing his legs, wandering what the answer would be.
Cyprus shook his head. "No, his name is Llano Lonakke, which can be sort of confusing since his kingdom is the Lonakke kingdom. Nowadays I hear he got himself sacrificed and ended up the protector of what's left of his kingdom," he said with a shrug
“Oh,” Liam said, slightly disappointed, “Was Arthur real? I’ve only heard stories but never believed them, well at one point I did but now I’m confused.”
"I'm not entirely certain in all honesty. Just because I'm 500 years old doesn't mean I have a good memory," Cyprus said as if it were obvious. "For all I know, I could have chatted one of them up in a tavern somewhere."
“Yeah, guess so…” He paused for a moment, thinking, “Are you really over 500 years old?” He asked.
"Somewhere around that," Cyprus hummed. "Though I certainly don't look like it. Take away all the ridiculous scarring I was left with and I'd be a perfect image of youth," he said, gesturing to his scarred face with a smug grin
Liam smiled a little, “Yeah, guess so. Still, you’re looking good on it for 500.” He said, gesturing with a hand to Cyprus before leaning on it
"Probably because I was…19 when I died. Maybe 20," Cyprus said, the words coming out as more of a question as he took a moment to count on his fingers
“Not all 19 or 20 year olds look as good as you, trust me on that.” He replied, his eyes looking him up and down once more.
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