forum A One on One that's really dark and... abusive? (closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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@Rvan group

(oh that makes sense lol
also I was thinking maybe we could bring some more characters into this, if you're okay with that? It might help with developing plot a bit more)
"Perfect!" Pandora said, clasping her hands together. "Do you have any favorite scary movies?"

(Yeah, more characters would probably spruce it up a bit)
“I dunno, what movies do you like?” Drake asked just as the waiter brought back his card and receipt.


(what kinda characters should we use?)
Pandora shrugged. "Oh, mostly just the classics. Y'know, Psycho, The Shining, Halloween. Those are the best."

@Rvan group

(Sorry I disappeared for a few days)
Also, about the characters, uh, idk. Maybe I could bring in Drake’s cousin and Pandora thinks they’re too close (not knowing they are related cliche) or maybe someone from Pandora’s comes in, idk)
“How about The Shining, I haven’t seen that one in a while,” Drake smiled at Charolette as he pocketed his card in his wallet again. He slowly moved to stand and stretch, happily full from the meal.


(that's okay
and maybe we could do both, and the two new characters could meet. Then my character could possibly try to warn the cousin about Pandora)

Pandora leaned forward, resting her chin in one hand. "That sounds perfect," she said, her smile soft but genuine.

@Rvan group

(Oo, that’s a good idea, do you want me to make a template for the cousin, or a brief description, or just jump them in later?)
Drake smiled, “Then let’s get going while the night’s still young,” He offered his arm, trying to impress her a little bit. He really liked Charlotte, and he wanted the night to go well no matter what happened.


(template or brief description would be nice)

Pandora sat up, her smile growing wider, and she took Drake's arm. She could feel happiness spark in her chest. He's so wonderful…. I have to make sure he's mine.

@Rvan group

(Alrightio :)
Name: Angel Blike
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Looks: Blonde, soft brown eyes, average height, skinny. Triangle🔻face shape.
Outfit: Often wears short dresses or a skirt and a blouse. Typically has low cut dresses and blouses, and tends to wear high heals a lot. Wears yellows and pastel pinks as lot, and always has a heart locket around her neck.
Personality: Bubbly and kind, a people person and someone you would want to hang out with a lot. She almost never runs out of things to talk about, but her biggest flaw is that she can’t tell when she’s not wanted/is getting on people’s nerves.
Likes: The sun, hanging out with her friends and family, going on dates with her boyfriend (who is currently on a trip south for his grandmother’s funeral), jokes, brunch.
Dislikes: Winter, alcohol (and she doesn’t approve of other people drinking unless it’s a special occasion), rodents, hypocrites.
Backstory: She always lived close to Drake, and since she’s an only child, she was very close with him. When they were young they would hang out a lot and they were good friends. Her father had once gone to the hospital because he drank too much and went out for a drive, so she’s always been against drinking.
Other: She’s very close to her cousin, and will sometimes just borrow his jacket without asking, tease him playfully, etc.
(How is she?)

Drake walked out of the restaurant with Charlotte, the smile on his face the entire time. He really enjoyed spending time with Charlotte, after this successful date… He was happy. Drake couldn’t have imagined the dinner any better.


(nice, I still gotta think of what character to use. I'm thinking one of Pandora's old coworkers)

Pandora was tempted to hold Drake's hand, but she decided she could settle for walking arm in arm for now. She looked over at him, smiling softly, happiness in her eyes. "So," she started. "How long is the walk to your house?"