forum A One on One that's really dark and... abusive? (closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I know this is a weird idea, it's just that there are a lot of roleplays out there that are super fluffy/fun/their characters are good people, and I need to develop a character that's really evil and has a lot of mental health issues, and I want to do it with somebody who doesn't mind a lot of dark shit and characters constantly fighting/hurting each other
And if somebody does decide to do this, I recommend not using a character that you're emotionally attached to, because my character is abusive, violent, and manipulative, and her goal is to tear a character to shreds


(yes of course, if you're willing to deal with something that's not fluffy at all and character that's done some horrible, horrible things to people)

Deleted user

(don't mind me, I'm just gonna stalk this bc I missed the chance to join)


(alright cool lol. My character's name is Pandora, and we can use her at a young age before she moved to California. We could also use her after she escaped prison and changed her identity…)


(don't mind me, I'm just gonna stalk this bc I missed the chance to join)

(it's all good lol
also there's the option of adding a side of fluff here and there with some different character so we can keep ourselves sane? Unless you're okay with it just being straight up dark)


(it's up to you, I can work with anything. An average person would make it easier for Pandora to break them down, and somebody who's also pretty evil would make it challenging for her to manipulate them into getting her way, and she might snap and try to kill them if they really piss her off)


Nah, I can toss one in here though. You can add/delete anything you choose

Preferred Pronouns:

@Rvan group

(Sorry this took so long, kind of experimenting with this character)
Name: Drake Blike
Age: 21 (ish, how old do you think he should be?)
Sexuality: Bi
Gender: Cis Male
Preferred Pronouns: He, him
(Or this one…)
Has a tattoo on his back of a hawk
Outfit: Jeans, typically wears grey shirts, doesn’t bother with much extra. He has a concealed pistol he keeps with him most of the time.
Personality: He generally tries to keep his emotions hidden, never would dare ask for help, can be paranoid sometimes. (Develop more later if that’s alright?)


Name: Pandora Elias, goes by the name Charlotte Daae
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual, but used to be homophobic when she thought she was straight
Gender: Cis Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Looks: Average height, golden-blonde hair (dyed), green eyes (wearing contacts), very curvy, large chest, full lips, usually has a shy/closed off stance, dark brown birthmark on her collarbone, but it's usually covered
Outfit: Oversized hoodie and jacket, dark jeans, beat up sneakers
Personality: Okay so she's got a personality disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It causes her to have sudden, unpredictable changes in her emotions, most of the time for no reason (although she is also easily provoked). She's never been treated or talked to about it, and she doesn't even know she has it. She usually goes from lashing out in anger to being completely obsessed and in love with somebody/something, to being numb inside and feeling guilty and suicidal. This disorder has complete control over how she reacts to a situation. She comes off as very shy, but once she sees that somebody is interested in her she gets a huge confidence boost and will show herself off.
Likes: Shy guys, people who pay attention to her, sex, money, being touched constantly, being around people, being praised, being loved, loves her hair and the way she looks, showing off her body
Dislikes: The sound of glass clinking, any sort of clicking noise, being abandoned, somebody not paying attention to her for more than a minute, being told what to do
Backstory: I'll fill this in later because it's really long
Other: None for now

@Rvan group

(Alright! I’m here again :D Sorry I had to leave so soon yesterday, I had a big test in one of my AP classes and needed to prep and get sleep for once lol.)