forum A One on One that's really dark and... abusive? (closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Pandora smiled sweetly back at her, though every nerve burned with jealousy. "Well, kind of. You know that young guy you just talked to? You know, the super cute one?" she asked with a small laugh. "He is cute, isn't he?"

@Rvan group

The waitress smiled, meaning to only compliment this woman on how she found such a nice boyfriend, “He certainly is a cutie, definitely a good catch.” She smiled politely, hoping to get back to working.


"Right," Pandora said, laughing darkly. "Let's just be clear here– I think you're very pretty, but he belongs to me. And if you get in the way of that, I'll make sure that no man would even want to look your way." Pandora's smile had gone from innocent to mischievous, and she had gotten uncomfortably close the the waitress. "So hands off of him, alright? We wouldn't want something happening to that pretty face of yours…"

@Rvan group

The waitress’s eyes widened in fear and she paled. The waitress managed to stammer, “I- I- of course, he- he’s all yours.” She took and uncomfortable, fearful step back, desperately wishing she could be at another table right now.


A satisfied smile crossed her face and she smoothed her skirt, taking a step back. "Perfect. Hopefully I won't be seeing around," she said sweetly, nearly skipping back to her table with joy. Look like I've eliminated some competition, she thought to herself.

@Rvan group

The waitress bustled off to another table just as Drake walked out of the bathroom, returning with a smile to the table. “Hey, I’m back. Miss me?” He grinned, so happy to be with Charlotte. Another waiter walked over with there bottle of wine. “Oh yeah, I bought us another.”

@Rvan group

(You’re totally fine, I think I do that all the time and I never realize it (so I sorry about when I do that too oof lol))


Pandora smiled at him. "That's so sweet, thank you," she said. Drake was honestly just… perfect. And the more time she spent with him, the more intense her feelings got. She didn't want this date to ever end.

@Rvan group

Drake poured himself another glass of wine, careful not to overdue it. He’d hate it if he got too drunk and ruined their first date. A waiter came by with their meals not to long afterwards, and Drake smiled and thanked them before they walked away. “Smells delicious, doesn’t it?” Drake sipped his wine with a smile at Charlotte. Gosh she’s pretty…


Pandora poured herself a glass as well. "Yeah, it does," she said, smiling. She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, wondering what to say. It's like her brain wasn't functioning properly when she was around him.

@Rvan group

Drake finished up his meal with a smile at Charlotte, “This was really fun, you know.” He finished off the rest of his wine, even though it would’ve probably been better to not drink too much… and it would’ve been better if he hadn’t bought the whole dang bottle for later…


She smiled sweetly back at him, swirling the remainder of her wine in her glass. "It really was. I wish it didn't have to end…" she sighed, draining the rest of her wine. "Maybe we can go over to your place? Or mine? That way we can spend more time together," she suggested hopefully.

@Rvan group

Drake was caught off guard for a second, pausing. He had never gone over to another girl’s place before or brought a girl over… even worse, what the visit could lead up to… He certainly wasn’t ready for that, but if it pleased Charlotte… “Okay,” Drake nodded, biting his lip for a second, “I guess we could go to my place- or yours, wherever you would prefer.”


(well holy shit
sorry there's nothing wrong with that it just threw me off lol)
Pandora's eyes lit up. He actually said yes! "Either one's fine. I've got scary movies we can watch. If you even like scary movies. Or we could make cookies, or something."

@Rvan group

(Lol, I prolly should’ve mentioned it in his template, I figured it would be nice to work with since Pandora likes sex lol)
“Movies sound great,” Drake smiled, managing to keep his worry at bay. I’m sure it won’t be bad, as long as we just watch movies… besides, a horror movie certainly won’t set the mood like that… “I guess we can go over to my place, besides, I just cleaned it.” A waiter brought over the check and Drake quickly handed him his card and the waiter bustled off again.


(oh that makes sense lol
also I was thinking maybe we could bring some more characters into this, if you're okay with that? It might help with developing plot a bit more)
"Perfect!" Pandora said, clasping her hands together. "Do you have any favorite scary movies?"