forum A One on One that's really dark and... abusive? (closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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@Rvan group

“Yeah, totally,” Drake replied with another smile looking over the menu himself. As long as she doesn’t order anything like the escargot appetizer or the coq au vin meal, it’ll be fine… He personally wanted croque-monsieur with a side of onion soup, items that wouldn’t break the bank.


(I have no idea what those are oof)
Pandora sighed, looking over the options again and again. Her mind and heart both raced, and it was hard for her to think. "M-maybe I'll just have a salad," she concluded. Salad and wine, she thought with a sigh. How classy.

@Rvan group

(Oof, sorry, escargot is snails, coq au vin is a meat dish (kinda, and croque monsieur is a sandwich)
Drake gave her a smile, just as the waiter came back with the wine. “I’ll take a croque-monsieur and a side of onion soup, and she’ll take a salad.” He felt pleased ordering for Charlotte, it felt like it just cemented the fact they were on a date.

@Rvan group

(Cool, I’m back ^-^ So here’s some ideas on the more abusive/obsessive side I’ll just throw out there…

  1. Drake talks to a waitress for whatever reason and Pandora gets obsessive and jealous and threatens the waitress a little bit after without Drake’s knowledge
  2. Pandore insists they go watch a movie (or something else) at her house and doesn’t want Drake to leave afterwards (or she could insist they watch a movie at Drake’s house and doesn’t want to leave in the end)
  3. Pandora follows Drake home and starts stalking him on Instagram/Snapchat/etc./all of the above
  4. Pandora tries to get Drake drunk so she can question him about past girlfriends etc.)

@Rvan group

(That’s good (the part about you doing okay, not about it being rough lol) and if you ever need to take a break or something, it’s totally cool. Take care of yourself first!)

@Rvan group

(Yeah, of course)
“I’ll be right back, I need to use the restroom,” Drake excused himself and stood, turning and walking towards the bathrooms.
On his way there, a waitress stopped by and asked, “I noticed you with that girl over there, and I wanted to reccomend the Rosé of Cabernet Franc wine, if you’d want a bottle?”
Drake smiled, “Yes please, that sounds wonderful.” The waitress left and he went and went into the bathroom.


Pandora's grip tightened on the edge of the table when she saw Drake speaking to the waitress. The girl was pretty. Very pretty. There's no fucking way I'm going to let her steal him away from me, she thought bitterly, her legs carrying her over to the waitress in the short skirt before Pandora could even think about what she was doing.