forum A One on One that's really dark and... abusive? (closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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@Rvan group

(Uhhhh, shoot my brain is a little bit dead but maybe here are some ideas?

  • Maybe they frequent parties and have seen each other around, but Pandora decides to manipulate Drake which could lead to more
  • Maybe Drake (or Pandora) switches to an different apartment and find that they’re neighbors and Pandora decides to manipulate/toy with Drake
  • Maybe Drake has had a crush on Pandora for a while despite how they don’t know each other super well and Pandora takes advantage of him when he asks her out
  • Maybe they end up interns/working together somewhere

Just a few ideas, I feel super uncreative rn oof. You got any ideas?)


Pandora's throat burned as the alcohol slid down her throat. It sent a shiver through her body, but she repressed it, managing to keep her face passive as she took the shot. She let out a breath and scanned the room of drunk young adults, sighing. No matter what she did, her nights were always the same. Numb. Muted. Stale. It had been like that for months now. She felt nothing anymore, and she wasn't sure she ever would again.

@Rvan group

Drake watched shyly from the corner of the party, slowly working up the nerve to take a deep breath and walk over to Charlotte Daae, the woman he had taking a liking to ever since he met her. She’s just so beautiful, too… He walked up next to her, attempting to flash her a grin despite his nerves, “Uh, hi, Charlotte.”


Pandora nearly jumped when she heard her fake name. Her eyes focused on the guy in front of her, who she hadn't even noticed before. Fucking hell, I need to get ahold of myself, she thought, blinking to clear her thoughts. She'd never seen this guy before, but flashed him a bright smile anyway. "H-hey, um…" she frowned and her smile faltered. She didn't know his name.

@Rvan group

“Umm, so how are you doing?” Drake started nervously, butterflies in his stomach by now. She is really pretty today… He started to fidget with his hands as he added, “And you look really nice today, by the way.” Drake smiled again nervously at Charlotte.


She couldn't help but giggle, blushing a little bit at his comment. "That's sweet, thank you. So do you. I like your hair." It's kinda cute, the way he keeps fidgeting and getting nervous like that…

@Rvan group

Drake blushed a little as he responded, “Th-Thank you. Hey, um, by chance, would you- I dunno… Would you like to go out with me? I mean- it’s totally fine if you don’t want to or anything like that,” He finally got out, looking at her shyly all the while trying to remind himself the worst she could say is no. Gosh, I’m such an embarrassment…


Suddenly, it hit her. This was Drake! She'd seen him at other parties before, and they had talked. She did know him. Granted, they only really talked about mundane things, but still, it was something. Her blush grew, and she brushed a lock of hair out of her face. "Y-yeah, of course!" Se felt a warm feeling in her chest. That was something she hadn't experienced in a long time.

@Rvan group

Drake beamed, “Really?” Internally he was dancing and shouting for joy. But on the outside he attempted to keep his cool, “Awesome then, uh, when are you free?” She said yes, she said yes, she said yes! Charlotte was just so amazing… And we’re actually going to go on a date.


(yeah I want to lol)
Pandora smiled and bit her lip, shrugging. "Anytime during the day or on weekends, really. I work night shifts on weekdays." She felt a warm feeling grow in her chest. Nobody had shown this much interest in her in a long time. Not since… not since Julian.

@Rvan group

“Then maybe…how does Saturday sound to you?” Drake asked, smiling a bit more. I still can’t believe she said yes… He was elated, especially excited to go out with Charlotte. It sounded nice, just to get to know someone…


She beamed at him. "That sounds great!" she said. "Maybe, um, it would be easier if I had your number, too, just in case plans change?"

@Rvan group

“Of course,” Drake smiled, immediately pulling out his phone and pulling up his number for her. She asked for my number, I can’t believe it… Drake was just so happy, he was normally too nervous and shy to ask someone on an actual date.


She put his number in her phone quickly, since she had to leave soon. "I gotta get going after this, it's getting late and I've got work tomorrow. But I'll text you, or you can text me, and we can work out the details?" She asked, a glint of hope in her tone.