(ok well nobody else seems to wanna come back so we'll just pretend they're minor characters and won't have a significant role in the rp anymore?)
( @a_negligee_blown_away do you wanna keep doubling as the teacher and ur character or do u wanna drop out)
(I mean, it is a school rp, so I can fill in characters here and there)
(cool! u still rping as ur character?)
(I guess yeah. She'll be a mediator ^^' How do I bring her back in)
(i'll do it dw, we'll just say she was paired w someone random)
Eric sighed, then stood up, slinging his bag over one shoulder. "Hey, I want you to meet someone." He walked over to Res's table, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder to get her attention. "This is Res. She's my roommate."
Res turned with an eager grin at the sound of Eric's voice. "H–" Her word was cut off when she saw his companion– her mouth dropped open. "You're Fae," she said quietly.
Agis's eyebrows raised as he was pulled along and too the girls observation. "Indeed I am, what gave it away, the hair? The ears?"
Res shook her head, standing up. "The aura." She put out her hand. "Hi. I'm Res," she said with an apologetic smile.
"The everything," Eric muttered drily.
(oops i'll delete the seocnd part)
"I'm Agis." He introduced, it was hard to not say the Prince part.
With a nod, Res returned her hand to her side. "How'd the assignment go for you two?"
Eric glanced at Agis, remembering the way their minds had felt when they'd touched. "It was good. Yours?" He raised his eyebrows at her slightly. We need to talk later.
Res caught Eric's gaze and gave him a nearly imperceptible nod. "Mediocre. My partner was very bad at magic and kept transferring their thoughts rather than reading mine."
Eric knotted his mouth sympathetically and raised his eyebrows sarcastically in an odd display of conflicting expressions. "That's unfortunate." He straightened his schedule with a flick of his wrist. "I guess we're all in the same homeroom?"
"Guess so. Let's head over?" she offered, glancing curiously between Agis and Eric. Was that chemistry she sensed? At the thought, she couldn't help a small excited grin.
Eric nodded. "Yeah, alright." He turned to Agis. "Could you do me a favor and give me a minute with Res here? Just roommate stuff," he said with a smile.
Agus shrugged, walking over to look out of the window. He tried hard not to easdrop, he really did.
Eric took Res by her wrist and took her into the hallway. "Res, um, I need to ask you something." He hesitated, then said, "When your mind touched your partner's…..what did it feel like for you?"
Res focused on Eric with a concerned look. At the question, her eyes widened. "Oh! Well… cold, chilling. It sort of hurt actually. Why?"
Eric blinked in surprise. "Oh, that's uh….that's weird. Alright, nevermind then." He laughed nervously and turned to get Agis.
( @a_negligee_blown_away )
"Wait!" Res grabbed Eric by the arm and pulled him back. "Why?" she repeated, occasionally glancing back at Agis who was hanging by the wall.
Eric growled under his breath, suddenly ashamed. "Ours was…uh….it was strange. It felt like-" he cast a desperate glance at the wall ahead of him, sighing, "-it felt like, um. Intimate, I guess. Like someone was touching an exposed nerve. But like, it wasn't bad, it was." He looked down. "It just was."