@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
"Okay…." Bernon tried again with a bit more electricity. "Just let me know the second it hurts too bad, and I'll stop."
"Okay…." Bernon tried again with a bit more electricity. "Just let me know the second it hurts too bad, and I'll stop."
Tanrial nodded, "Alright… keep going, it still doesn't hurt that much."
(sorry, gotta go, seeya later!)
(Okay, seeya! ^^)
Bernon made a larger tendril and slowly increased the voltage, carefully letting it go higher and higher.
Tanrial winced once but let Bernon keep going for a time until finally she pulled her arm away, "Okay… I give."
Bernon immediately closed his hands around the lightning and snuffed it out. "I'll try to remember how much that was and then use just a little more when I'm attacking. I don't want to go much higher though, in case I kill someone." He sighed. "Hey Tanrial, can I trust you with a bit of a confession?"
Tanrial nodded, "Of course you can, what's up?"
He looked down. "I….don't really want to do this. You know I've never been much one for fighting, but I can't see how we could avoid it this time. I just….I don't want to hurt people. Even people that do bad things." Bernon shuffled his feet. "Don't mention it to Mike, he'd brush me off like usual. I guess I'm just having trouble matching my actions with my standards right now."
"I won't mention it to him. I know you don't want to do this, but if we don't then there will be some serious trouble, more then the world needs right now. Sometimes… sometimes we have to do what's right even if we don't want to." Tanrial said gently.
"Yeah." Bernon took a deep breath. "I suppose you're probably right. Thanks." Straightening, he shook himself. "Well, what next? Shall we go see if Mike's drowning or something?"
Tanrial laughed, "That's probably a good idea." She said, walking towards the water's edge.
Mike was a ways from shore, just coming up from a dive. He saw them coming and waved. "Hey," he called. "There's something under the water here. I think it's some kind of machine or car or something."
"Really?" She looked down at her already wet clothes and shrugged, "You coming Bernon?" She asked as she waded into the water towards Mike.
"Uh, yeah. Hang on." Bernon tugged off his shoes and left them in the sand as he followed Tanrial. "What does it look like?"
"I can't really see it," Mike replied. "The water's too murky. But I think I can feel a metal cab and a wheel of some kind. It's really big."
"Could it be a truck instead of a car?" Tanrial asked, "Or is it bigger then that?"
"I'm not sure." Mike was halfway submerged, feeling around for more of the machine. "I don't suppose either of you can magically breath underwater."
Tanrial shook her head, "I can't, Bernon might be able to, water is your thing."
"I'll try." Bernon took a gulp of air and ducked underwater. At first he was scared to try, but then he focused and made the water around his head pull away, sucking in some air from overhead. Okay, hang on. I think I can see something.
What is it? Car? Truck? Tanrial looked down at the water but couldn't see anything.
Holy cow. There was a pause. It's one of those bulldozer things with a digger arm. It's half in the mud, but it looks like it's in good shape.
Oh… that's interesting I didn't expect that. Come back up, there's not much we can do now.
Mike glanced back and forth. "Hold on. What did he see?"
"A bulldozer of sorts. He's coming back up now." Tanrial looked from the water to Mike.
Mike blinked in surprise. "What? No! Send him back down. We have to get that thing onto land."
"Now? You want us to try and bring it up now? It's half buried in the mud down there!" Tanrial frowned.
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