"Agreed. At this point we'll need all the help we can get. Any spare pair of hands will be useful some way for another." Tanrial said.
(okay seeya ^^)
"Agreed. At this point we'll need all the help we can get. Any spare pair of hands will be useful some way for another." Tanrial said.
(okay seeya ^^)
"Good. We kept an eye on him, while you were gone. He spent some time in his room, then went out to practice his shootin' in the woods somewhere. I guess he'll be coming back pretty soon to have lunch."
"Guess so. Let's just hope he isn't a spy of Ryker's or something." Tanrial said, fiddling with her spoon.
Mike nodded, then finished cleaning his plate and stood up. "Well, shall we head out to train? Maybe we'll see which way the new guy comes back from."
"Yeah, that might be a good idea." Tanrial followed suit shortly after Mike.
They went outside again and walked down to the beach. As it turned out, they did see Rick coming out of the forest, just across the small bay from them. He was carrying a brace of squirrels on a string in one hand, and had his rifle slung over his shoulder. He waved at them as he approached.
"Hey, y'all. Nice weather today, isn't it?"
Tanrial nodded, "It is, yeah. Perfect for training without fear of being rained on."
"Oh, you're gonna train now? Cool. Don't mind if I watch, do you? I've got to clean up thee squirrels a bit before I can take 'em inside."
"I guess we don't mind," Mike said. "So you've been out hunting this whole time?"
"Well, I spent most of the morning cleaning my weapons and stuff" Rick said. "But after that, yeah, I went east a ways and had some pretty good luck. By the way, did you know there's a couple of forest beasts in the lake over? I almost ran into them on my way back."
(brb, gotta go have supper real quick)
"Fear and Snatch, yeah they're harmless to us. Snatch was traveling with us for a while but we thought a proper forest beast would be able to take care of her better then us." Tanrial explained, shrugging
"Oh!" Rick raised his eyebrows. "You raised the little one?"
"Not really. She was an orphan stray we found almost a week ago. We were just watching over her and keeping her fed." Mike unbuttoned his coat and tossed it onto the sand. "It was a stroke of luck that we found the adult female yesterday and got them both moved to that other lake. They seem to be settling in okay."
"Huh." Rick shook his head. "I never woulda thought to do that. Forest beasts aren't really popular in most places I've been."
"Hm, yeah. Snatch was reluctant at first to move but she seems okay now. Fear will do her good I think." Tanrial sighed.
"We'll miss her too," Bernon added. "She was a great kid."
Rick smiled. "Kids are kinda awesome. I don't have any myself, but I do have a ton of nieces and nephews back home. I'm glad your little friend found a family and ended up safe."
"Yeah, we're glad too," Tanrial shook her head, "Anyway, on to what we were out here to do in the first place which was training."
"Yep." Mike started off towards the water. "Think I'm going to swim some laps first to warm up. What do you two want to do?"
"Um…" Bernon shrugged. "I don't know. Want to train together again, Tanrial?"
"Sure, magic or not? Flying should be your priority, Bernon." Tanrial replied, smiling.
Bernon rubbed his hands together. "I'm getting ambitious now. How about we run through a scenario and fight some invisible enemies from the air or something? Or we could take turns being the enemy?"
"Illusions aren't my thing so let's just go with one of us being the enemy," Tanrial replied, grinning, "You fight me first so get up in the sky already."
"Okay, okay, here I go." Spreading out his wings, Bernon took a quick running start and launched himself into the air. I guess I'll talk to you mentally, he said after a second. The wind's pretty loud up here. What do you want me to do?
Anything… well, no lighting, I don't fancy being bunt to a crisp. Tanrial replied, looking up and shielding her face from the sun with her hand.
Gotcha. Bernon circled to gain altitude. "As a pacifist, lemme just practice intimidation first.* Tucking in his wings, he dove straight for Tanrial, swooping up when he was only inches from her. Did that look scary? I almost kicked you in the face, sorry about that.
Don't worry about it, and yes, it was scary… to a degree. If I was a proper enemy then I would be quaking. She replied, forming a sword and swinging it once to get the feel of the weight.
Cool. I'll try again, and this time you try to hit me with the sword as I go by. Bernon looped around and dropped into another dive.
When Bernon was close enough, Tanrial swung at his stomach and missed by a centimeter or so, Damn it… missed by an inch…
(sorry gtg, seeya tomorrow ^^)
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