"Mike forgets to be polite more often then normal. It's fine I guess, you get used to it after a while." Tanial replied before heading off to the shore to help Bernon.
"Mike forgets to be polite more often then normal. It's fine I guess, you get used to it after a while." Tanial replied before heading off to the shore to help Bernon.
(Pops in apologetically I won't really have a chance to be on tonight, sorry)
Rick followed, scooping up a piece of flat driftwood to dig with. "He seems like a leader type. He'll really get a lot of good out of you two keeping him thinking clear and on the right track."
(That's all good, smiles see you when I see you)
"If he listens to us. He does, don't get me wrong put he's so focus on himself and the plan he forgets we're… people and not robots."
Rick nodded sympathetically. "Well, if you want my serious advice, talk to him before he gets any worse." He sighed and looked away. "I've always been more easygoing than my brother, and I let him get away with a whole lot more than I should have. It's one of the reasons I ended up havin' to leave."
Tanrial shrugged, "Yeah, although I doubt we'll see him again after this whole situation is cleared up. He'll thank us for the help and then disappear by himself."
(oops sorry I'm late)
"Who knows, I guess."
Bernon sat back on his haunches and surveyed their work. I think we're done here. I'mma take a quick breather before the cavalry arrives. He flopped onto his back and heaved a giant sigh. I hope this isn't all for nothing.
(It's fine. Oh, I thought I should let you know there's been some trouble with a few people on the site, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has been taking care of it but I thought I'd warn you. Just… watch out for Stone_well_forever, Steven/luke dawson and haley…)
Tanrial chuckled, "Hopefully it won't be for nothing, Bernon. Let's just hope Mike knows what he's doing. I still don't think it'll work because of all the water but who knows, I could be wrong."
(Okay, thanks for the heads-up)
Rick shaded his eyes and stared out over the lake. "Looks like we'll find out soon. I can see some boats coming our way."
Sure enough, there were three fishing boats drifting towards them, with Mike and Polla in the front one. They came to shore a few yards down the beach, and the village's strongest members piled out with bundles of rope under their arms.
Mike waved at Tanrial and Bernon, nodding at the footholds they'd made. "Thanks, guys. Ready?"
"I guess so. I still think this is a waste of time, Mike. But I guess we'll find out won't we…" Tanrial crossed her arms and still looked skeptical of the whole thing.
Mike was unfazed. "Yup. Hey Bernon, you can control water, right?"
Bernon sat up and returned to human form. "Yeah, why?"
"It might be helpful if the water pushed while we pulled, wouldn't you say? Sound like something you can manage?"
"Oh…I think so." Bernon got to his feet and waded into the lake. "Toss me some ropes, I can attach them while I'm down there."
Rick rolled up his sleeves. "It's make or break time. After you, ma'am."
Tanrial sighed, "Let's just get this over with." She said, grabbing a rope for herself as she made her way into position.
The fisherman quickly lined up two to a rope. Polla and Mike took one as well. After a moment, Bernon stuck his head out of the water and gave them a thumbs up. "Okay, ready!"
"On three," Polla called. "One, two, three!"
(brb, havin supper right quick)
On three everyone pulled as hard as they could. The bulldozer, as Tanrial expected was extremely heavy but with the force of everyone pulling and the water pushing, it slowly, but surely, began to move.
"Keep pulling!" Mike shouted, digging in his heels. "Stay coordinated!"
The fishermen churned up the sand as they threw their backs into the task. From the water came a loud gurgling, sucking noise, and from beneath the waves rose the rusty yellow shell of the large machine. It groaned under the weight of the waves and the mud still clinging to its wheels, but steadily began to roll onto the shore. The lake boiled beneath it where Bernon was doing all he could to help.
"Almost there," Rick said through gritted teeth. "Just a couple more feet…."
"Come on already!" Tanrial pulled harder as the machine began to surface from the water.
At last, with an almighty crash, the bulldozer lurched from the shallows and onto the beach, where it sat shedding water and algae and small aquatic creatures. The villagers dropped the ropes and let out a cheer, congratulating each other proudly.
Mike grinned, panting. Bernon came tromping out of the lake, soaking wet but triumphant. "We did it! Nice work, guys!"
Tanrial collapsed on the ground panting, "Yeah, and let's see if the thing actually works."
Rick adjusted his cap and stepped up to study the machine. A couple of the fishermen joined him, making quiet remarks about the metal body and the rust on every joint. Rick climbed up to the cap and un-jammed the door, squeezing himself into the driver's seat.
"She wasn't airtight, so the seats and finish are ruined," he called after a minute. "The controls are a bit crusty, but I think we can scrape 'em off…." He sat back and frowned thoughtfully for a few minutes before poking his head out the broken window. "Tell you what, why don't you guys head to the tavern and have some supper? It'll take me a while to do a full examination."
Tanrial nodded, "You heard the man, let's go get something to eat and drink then."
They all walked tiredly to the tavern, where the bartender already had drinks waiting for them. Polla sat down next to Tanrial, shaking some sand out of her skirt. "I just realized I haven't talked to you much yet. How are you doing, me lass?"
(I have to go to bed now, seeya ^^)
Tanrial shrugged, "As good as I can be considering everything that's happened and everything that will happen," She sighed, "What about you, Ma'am?"
"Oh, just call me Polla." She smiled. "I'm doing quite well, actually. My village has dodged a double-handful of bullets in the past few days. Mostly because you three came and helped us. I hope we can pay you back by helping you fight that man Ryker. It would be my pleasure to defeat any enemy of yours."
Tanrial gave Polla a grateful smile, "Thank-you, Polla. We'll be glad of the help. Any we can get at this point will be helpful, the quicker we defeat Ryker the quicker things can go back to normal… or as normal as things were."
She nodded. "Yes, it'll be good to have things quiet down a bit. I suppose you have places you'd like to be and things you'd like to do, being a young un-tethered adventurer and all that. This whole mess probably didn't figure into your plans, did it?"
Tanrial laughed a little, "In all honesty I'm not much of an adventurer. In fact I wouldn't even be here if I hadn't accidentally met Bernon. I didn't really have any plans set out but," She shrugged, "After all this is cleared up maybe that'll change."
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