@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
Polla accepted the drink that the bartender brought her and took a sip. "Not to be assuming anything, but are you in a relationship with one of those two boys? I honestly can't tell."
Polla accepted the drink that the bartender brought her and took a sip. "Not to be assuming anything, but are you in a relationship with one of those two boys? I honestly can't tell."
Tanrial's eyes widened and shook her head, "No, no I'm not. Why do you ask?"
She quickly held up her hands. "Just asking. I was hearing some rumors 'round the village and I thought I'd get the real story from you. I hate when the men talk about things which aren't their business. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."
"Don't worry about it, I don't mind. Just didn't expect the question was all." She gave Polla a smile and took a sip of her drink.
"Well, you know what, girl? Good for you. Stay single, that's my advice." Polla cast a withering glance across the room at Ozrig, who was laughing loudly over some impolite joke one of the fishermen had just made. "At least until you're good and ready. Husbands are a lot of work to keep in line."
Tanrial nodded, "Yeah, I've thought about it. Marrying and what not, didn't want to when I was younger and then…" She shook her head, "Anyway, it doesn't matter. If I'm going to be traveling there's no point."
At that point their food arrived and Polla excused herself so she could go give Ozrig a talking to. Mike saw her leave and came over to sit near Tanrial, bringing his plate with him. "Hey. Bernon's about to fall asleep mid-bite over there. I guess getting that bulldozer out of the lake really did a number on him."
Tanrial nodded, "Using his power like that would on such a big and heavy machine like that. He just needs rest and he'll be fine by tomorrow. I bet he'll be passed out pretty quickly very soon."
The corner of Mike's mouth twitched. "Probably. I hope he at least makes it up to bed first. I don't want to be the one to carry him up those stairs." He ate in silence for a second, then added. "What about you? How are you doing?"
Tanrial shrugged, "Fine I guess. Just tired I think. What about yourself?"
"About the same. Kinda worried about whether the motor on that bulldozer will be in good enough shape. I s'pose even if it doesn't work we could tear it apart and the villagers could use it as building materials or something."
"That true. I told you it might not work because of the water but you didn't listen," She sighed, "It doesn't matter now anyway, it's out of the lake and even if it might not work has another use."
"Yup." Mike stared at his plate and slowly stirred his remaining food with his fork. "I do have a hard time listening sometimes. I guess it's probably because for so many years I could only trust myself to get out of trouble. But that doesn't mean I can't work on being more perceptive."
Tanrial nodded, "It's fine, at least you know you can work on it, step one to fixing a fault. I mean… at times it's fine but, we're people too, Mike. We're here to help and contribute, remember that."
He nodded. "I know. Sorry if I get kinda snappy sometimes. If I ever step too far out of line, I'd appreciate it if you just give me a nudge or something."
Tanrial gave him a smile, "I will, just try not to get too snappy, then I won't have to tell you off."
Just then the door opened and Rick came into the tavern, looking like he'd been wrestling with the motor rather than examining it. "Hey, I have a verdict, if anyone's interested."
"Yeah, please tell us if if the bulldozer going to work." Tanrial said, looking form Mike to Rick.
(brb, walking the dog)
(Okay, have a nice walk ^^)
Rick came over and took off his cap to try and get his hair in order. "Hey, something smells good. Any food left for me?"
"Spit it out," Mike said. "Then you can eat."
"Aright, jeez. Here's the deal. First of all, she's a bit rusty but as far as I can tell, she'll run fine. Unfortunately, she needs a special kind of fuel and her tank's clean empty. Until we can fill 'er up again, she'll run about as well as a chunk of rotten wood. Sorry, pal."
Mike's expression darkened and he shoved a large bit of food in his mouth without saying anything.
"Don't give up too easy," the bartender piped up from the corner. "There's an old town a couple miles from here that might have what you need in a shop or garage. We can send out a group tomorrow to check it out."
(brb, off to have supper)
"That sounds like a good idea, maybe I was wrong after all and we can actually get this thing running. Thanks for looking at her, Rick, it's much appreciated," She gave Rick and smile, "Go eat, there should be a plate left for you."
(back ^^)
"Wash up first," Polla called. "You look like you got attacked by a mud monster."
"Yes ma'am, thank-you ma'am."
Mike sighed. "Welp. I guess I'm lucky to get that much good news. I'm ready to turn in, don't know about you."
Tanrial rolled her eyes, "Lighten up a little. You should be thanking Rick since he was the one who looked at the thing. We just discussed the snappiness and yet you snapped at him."
Mike frowned. "I did? When? I thought I was civil with him."
"You basically said he had to tell you what he found out before he could eat, or in your words, 'Spit it out, then you can eat.'" Tanrial crossed her arms.
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