@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
Mike frowned. "Wait, Batman? Who's that?"
Mike frowned. "Wait, Batman? Who's that?"
Tanrial gasped over dramatically, "Only the greatest, well apart from Wonder Women, DC superhero ever!"
Bernon's eyes widened. "Oh wow….I totally forgot about those comics! I used to love them when I was a kid!"
Mike shook his head. "Oh, pop culture stuff. I never get those references, sorry."
"The movies were… debatable but yeah, the comics were great. I prefer Marvel in all honesty but Batman will always be my favourite DC hero." Tanrial grinned.
"I loved Aquaman," Bernon enthused. "I though he was so cool. And that guy from Marvel…what was he called…..Clint! Clint was awesome."
Mike gave a half-smile. "Sounds like I've been missing out."
"Oh you really have Mike," Tanrial laughed, "Clint was great, Antman was one of my favourites, those movies were hilarious. And Captain America."
Bernon gasped. "How could I forget Cap?? Aw man, I wish I still had some of those comics." He sighed ruefully. "Sure would be nice to have some of those guys right now. They could probably beat Ryker's army in like five minutes."
Tanrial nodded, "Yeah, they probably could. That would be great if it were real."
Mike glanced ahead. "Welp, I guess we'll just have to make do without them. Luckily we do have some magic-users on our side, eh? That's kinda the same thing."
Tanrial shrugged, "Guess so. I don't think any magic-user could be as cool the Avengers or the Justice League though."
"I don't know," Bernon grinned. "I think you and me will make a good team. Can anyone in the avengers turn into animals? I don't think so."
(brb, having supper right quick)
"Well… not exactly but Antman is… kinda like an ant… same with Spider-man. They can't shape, granted but they're close to it." Tanrial crossed her arms.
Mike glanced over as they started to climb the far slope. "What's with Antman? What can he do exactly?"
"Basically, this guy called Hank Pym, created something called a Pym Particle which can shrink the molecules between atoms, causing living organisms to shrink or grow if they are wearing this special suit. Scott Lang, the Ant-man, wears the suit and can shrink to a size of an ant, and can talk to them too with this telepathic link… thing…" Tanrial explained.
(brb again -_-)
(okie dokie)
"Huh. Weird. I wonder if there's any real science behind that."
"Probably not," Bernon said. "There's rarely any real science behind their superpowers, although some of them are based in fact. I know Iron Man was totally human, but he built awesome machines and battle armor that helped him fight alongside the others."
"Now that's something I could get into. Machines are a big thing in my family." Mike glanced at the sun. "It's getting to be past noon. We should probably pick up the pace a little."
"Good idea. We still have to train as well." Tanrial reminded them, speeding up the walking pace slightly.
They reached the top of the hill and started into the valley that ringed he lake. From their vantage point they could see the tavern, which was ringed with boats– the villagers must have been eating lunch there.
"I'm starving," Bernon said. Let's have a quick meal before we start training, how's that sound?"
"That sounds like a great plan. I could use some food." Tanrial replied, giving Bernon a smile as she picked up the pace into the valley.
They reached the shore fairly quickly, and entered the tavern just as the fisherman were starting to head back to work. The bartender nodded politely at them as he wiped down the counter. "How was your walk?"
"Reasonable. No trouble we could find apart from s chopper that passed over head. Nothing more then that." Tanrial sat down at a near by table.
"Oh yeah, that thing passes over the lake sometimes. Never knew where it came from 'till now." The bartender handed them bowls of hot stew and half a loaf of bread to share. "By the way, what do you think of that Southerner? He said he was gonna offer to help us fight Ryker, didn't he?"
Tanrial nodded, "Yeah. He spoke to us earlier. We didn't tell him everything but enough so he knows what's going on and he's willing to fight with us."
"All right. Think you can trust him?"
"I wasn't sure at first," Mike replied. "But he seems pretty reliable, and he'll be really useful in our attack."
(gotta go to bed, seeya later ^^)
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