She nodded a little, turning back to Sophie once the waiter was gone.
She nodded a little, turning back to Sophie once the waiter was gone.
Sophie smiled as she turned back to Raven and picked up her glass.
Raven smiled at her.
Sophie smiled back. “So… What else can we talk about?”
"Hmm, let's think."
“Mhm…” she hummed.
She studied Sophie quietly, considering.
Sophie shrugged as nothing was really coming to mind. She was tempted to ask if Raven was in a relationship or what her preference was… Not that she was going to judge as she was personally bisexual. And proud of that fact.
Raven was, in fact, lesbian, or at least that was her current label. High school and college had been wild; as a shapeshifter, she'd been able to change sex when and if she wanted to, and had certainly experimented with all of that. Still did, sometimes.
If Sophie had been told that, she would have been intrigued and very interested to hear those stories.
Of course, Raven wouldn't tell Sophie; it would give away the big secret, and might give away Jade's, too.
Truthfully, Sophie had a secret of her own that she hadn't told anyone and wasn't planning to anytime soon.
(ooo now i'm curious)
Raven let out a faint breath. "So how long have you known Jade?"
Sophie shrugged a little. “Well, we've been roommates for 3 or 4 years, I think.”
"Oh, neat. How did you meet?"
“Honestly, internet ad.” she admitted with a shrug. “We were both looking for a roommate and Jade was fortunate to have a place lined up. So, I answered and went through, basically, an interview with her and I passed the review.”
"Huh. That's neat, since I suppose you two get on well, considering it's been…three years?'
(umm, Ice… What happened to your Minecraft dog that made you change your name?)
“Yeah. We get along pretty good.” she nodded with a brief shrug. “Though Jade can be more than a little stubborn so… it's easy to worry about her. Especially when she gets those migraines.”
(it fell in a lava pit and died. Then the second dog also fell in lava and died. The third is still alive (for now lmao))
She nodded a little. "Does she get migraines often?"
Sophie nodded. “It seems like she has one once a week, at minimum, but she's also had them on every other day.” she sighed. “She always says it's nothing serious… I just hope she's right.”
(yeah lol)
"Hm. She might want to talk to a doctor, just to make sure nothing's wrong."
“She won’t.” Sophie shook her head. “I’ve talked to her about it multiple times and she just keeps saying that it's fine… One time, I swear I heard her say that there was nothing a doctor could do for her anyway.” she admitted.
"Weird." She realized suddenly that it might be related to Jade's abilities, and let out a breath.
“I know.” she agreed. “It’s even more worrying when she gets a nose bleed because of them. Fortunately, that doesn't happen nearly as often.”
"Thats rather scary." She said.
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