forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"you're one to talk," Raz mused with a small laugh, looping his arms around Jay's shoulders and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Not that I'm complaining at all." He added on, winking at Logan. He laughed and shook his head "what are we going to do with the two of you hm?"


"always," Logan replied pressing a kiss to Jackson's brow.
Raz nodded in agreement and gently poked Jay in the side


"ahem Suck up. ahem" Jay fake coughed, trying to hide his smile as Jsckson simply raised an eyebrow at him. "Says the one with the ring." "Hey, first off, Raz wears the ring, not me. Second, says the pot to the kettle, you're the one who made it!"


Raz rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head at the two. "Well, regardless, I'm glad that Jackson made the engagement ring, it's beautiful. Besides, you and Logan are together now. I don't think I can complain about that." He said, heading off to do the dishes


"Yeah, I can agree with him on that. You'll be making your own in due time." Jay smiled as Jackson blushed. "Shut up, you don't know that." "Oh, but I do."


"please tell me one of your abilities isn't fortune telling, I'd like to keep some nuance and mystery in the relationship." Logan said, plopping into a chair next to Jackson and laughing softly


"Unfortunately not. We can do a lot of things but predict the future isn't one of them." Jackson sighed with a roll of his eyes. "Surpeingly enough. We do so much yet we can't see into the future."


"well, I find that to be a relief. It's good to have some mystery in your life." Logan smiled and pressed a kiss to Jackson's cheek. "Doesn't matter what you can or can't do, I'll still love you."


"you don't have worry about that love." He replied, wrapping his arms around Jackson's waist and nuxxlinup against him


Raz just laughed and smiled. "Jay, you can't say anything my love, we were the same way." He said over his shoulder as he dried off the last of the plates


"that's usually all it takes to know what your thinking." He argued back, pressing a kiss to his lips and giving him a pointed look. "Leave them be, you really can't complain when they're happy together, can you?"


"Hey, I'm not complaining. If they're happy, good for them. It means we can have more time for us since we don't have to babysit them." Jay shrugged with an innocent smile.


"hm, that is true." He agreed, laughing when Logan shot him a look "we don't need baby sitting!"
"Oh yeah? So you won't mind making your own coffee while we sleep in?"
Lo pouted softly "fine, I need my coffee but we're ok, you two can have your time together."


"I'm just hoping we come back from our honeymoon with the house still standing." "Love the vote of confidence, Jay. I thought you trusted me." "I do. However I know that love makes you do crazy things. Including forgetting that you have something cooking and setting the kitchen on fire." "That was one time!" "It still happened!"


"to be fair, that was ten minutes ago, and we were all still in the house." Raz added
"We burnt the bread a bit, no biggy." Lo waved his hand dismissively "you two enjoy each other, we'll be fine."


"No no, I mean before. We had to share a room while staying in Vegas once and he nearly burned the house down." Jay rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "He forgot he had something on the stove and took a nap. I came home to a wall of flames from the kitchen and screams of terror from people outside who saw the disaster."


"ah I see…maybe the best idea to leave you two alone then." Raz agreed, resting against Jay closing his eyes for a moment. "All I ask is that the house isn't gone when we come back from the honeymoon."


"Please and thank you." Jay ruffled his faince's hair with an innocent smile as Jackson shot him a blank look. "I'm not an idiot, Jay. The house will be structurally intact when you return."


"and everything else will be in the house just as you found it, promise." Logan added on.
Raz leaned into Jay's hand, the weight of the day finally crashing in all at once, between this morning and the contracts and wedding planning, Raz only now felt the exhaustion. "I'd entrust my little home to no one else except you two." He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to Jay's wrist, gently pulling away "imma shower, don't tear each other apart!"


"No promises!" The two demons responded in unison before glancing at each other with a chuckle. "So, are you excited for your wedding?" "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" "Okay, rephrase. Are you nervous?" "Well, yeah. A little."


Logan tilted his head "you have no reason to be worried Jay, you're gonna do fine. You love Raz. And he loves you too. The wedding is stressful but in the end you'll have each other forever. Sure they're might be things you need to work on but you have eternity to figure everything else." Lo reassured with a smile smile