She gladly did as he suggested, taking a seat at the table with a sigh. "Can't say this morning started any different than they usually do so at least something stayed normal." She chuckled.
She gladly did as he suggested, taking a seat at the table with a sigh. "Can't say this morning started any different than they usually do so at least something stayed normal." She chuckled.
Jax rolled his eyes, sitting down next to her. “Ethannnnn!! Foodddd!!” He whined and Ethan snorted.
“You’re such a brat, Jax.”
"Ah leave him be, Ethan. Complaining only makes him do it more." She rolled her eyes with a smile.
(I mean, she has to show she's willing to have the backs of both of them, doesn't she?)
((Yeah pretty much lol))
Jax cast her a grateful smile.
“That’s true.” Ethan said, ruffling Jax’s hair affectionately, who of course tried and failed to duck away from the motion.
She flashed him a smile in return, focusing her attention on the food that Ethan was carrying.
Ethan set a plate of waffles down in front of the both of them.
She instantly dug in when he set them down, almost taking his hand with them. She was so used to having to be overly protective of what little food she got, she was a bit rabid without realizing it.
“Damn, I know Ethan’s a snack but you don’t have to almost take a bite out of his hand, chill.” Jax teased her, chuckling softly.
"I don't have a chill when it comes to food. You do remember the kind of home I come from, right?" She shot him a look before taking another almost possessive bite.
“I remember, I remember! No need to be mean about it.” Jax grumbled and Ethan shot him a quick look like ‘chill out dude.’
"I wasn't trying to be." She chuckled. "You changed your tune pretty quickly."
“That’s Jax for ya. Can never make up his damn mind about anything.”
“I have commitment issues in all ways possible you know this.” Jax replied, rolling his eyes.
"You seem rather committed to Ethan." She pointed out with a raise of her eyebrow. "If I didn't know any better, I'd really think you were dating."
“Obviously we’re soulmates, he’s just trying to resist my temptations.” Jax replied, dramatically batting his eyes at Ethan with a charming smile. Ethan rolled his eyes, not responding.
"I don't know that he's resisting so much as you're just bad at this." She laughed. "Not to mention you're annoying as hell. I'm sure if it was me, I'd have better luck. Right Ethan?"
Jax let out an offended gasp and went back to eating his food.
Ethan shrugged, a small grin on his face. “Maybe. Maybe not. Guess we’ll never know.”
"I'm just gonna take that as a win. After the head injuries I've sustained this morning, I need one."
“Aw yeah that’s true. You sure you’re okay?” Ethan asked gently.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Nothing I haven't been through before. Although the tripping down the stairs thing was just me being an idiot."
Ethan nodded, finishing up what was left of his food.
She sat back and waited for them both to finish considering hers had been gone like 5 minutes ago. Becca kinda inhaled her food.
Jax finished first, and lay his head down on the counter. “Thank you Ethan.” He mumbled.
"Yeah, thanks. It's rare I get an actual meal at home so it's much appreciated."
“No problem, I’m always happy to do it.” Ethan replied, and having finished his food as well, picked up all their plates to go wash them.
She turned to face Jax. "I never did ask, how long have you two been friends?"
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