"I expect at least one huge fight or someone ending up in the hospital before this season reaches its end."
"I expect at least one huge fight or someone ending up in the hospital before this season reaches its end."
“Knowing Jax, we will most definitely get that. We better get a season two of this, we’re trying so hard.”
"If we don't, I'm gonna be real upset. But knowing Jax, I wouldn't be surprised if we got cancelled."
“Yeah. Our show would end up not being appropriate for any audiences solely based on what Jax does.”
"Pretty much. But that's why we're here. To keep him from going off the deep end."
“Yep. He’s pretty much leaning over the deep end constantly. So that’s fun.” He said sarcastically.
"It's like staring into the Grand Canyon. We're holding his arms so he doesn't fall in as he leans over the edge to look."
“Honestly that sounds like something that’d actually end up happening at some point in real life. We’re now officially never going to the Grand Canyon.”
She burst out laughing. "I'd certainly hope not! Looking over heights like that makes me queasy and while I'm sure I wouldn't be the first person to throw up into the Grand Canyon, I'd rather not be added to the list."
He laughed at that, a wide grin appearing on his face. “Basically it’d be utter chaos then, and definitely the end to our show once and for all. Never getting another season after that.”
"No, definitely not." She shook her head with a smile. "That'd be the finale for sure. Like it's years down the line and there's one last episode to remind everyone at home that we're still the same wild and chaotic teenagers from all those years ago."
“Yeah..” he chuckled softly. “Wish we could just get a reality show. I mean besides the fact that you can’t have any sort of real personal life, it’s an easy way to make money.”
"I think we'd make a great reality show. One that isn't horrifically staged. I always hate that. And the sound effects don't make it any better."
“Yeah. I feel like it’d just get tiring after a bit, you know? Everyone in the world knowing what you’re doing practically every day.”
"And you have to make everything so dramatic or else people will get bored. I hate that so much. Like, seriously. Not every single day can be so dramatic and exciting. Sometimes you just have a lazy day and that should be fine."
“Exactly!! I feel bad for everyone who does reality tv…except maybe the Kardashians, they’re kinda weird.”
"We don't talk about them. Sheesh, they've got more scandals than I have bruises. And that's saying something."
“Honestly yeah. And that is saying a lot knowing what I know about you so far.” Before he could say any more, Jax suddenly appeared at his side.
“Hey Ethan remember that one really really annoying ex we don’t like well he’s here and he’s flirting with me so is it okay if I break his arm? Yes okay cool I’m leaving before you can process this byyye.” Jax said it pretty much all in one breath and almost managed to get away without Ethan stopping him but the other lunged out, catching Jax’s wrist.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Becca jumped out and grabbed his other wrist, pulling him back. "Not on our watch! I swear, it's like trying to control an overactive dog."
Ethan nodded in agreement while Jax struggled. “C’mon guys!! Just let me break the arm of the one guy.”
((Bro at this point I low key just want them to get in a poly relationship and be happy oof))
(I can get behind that! Should we just do it?)
"Nope, you're staying right here until you learn to control yourself. Which will probably be never but a girl can dream."
(:0 Honestly can we? that’d be great!)
Ethan nodded, pulling Jax down next to them. “Just chill out for a few minutes okay? You’re getting yourself all worked up for no reason.”
(Let's do it!)
"I swear, we're gonna need one of those child leashes just so we can make sure he doesn't go and get himself arrested."
Ethan chuckled softly. “Hey that’s not a bad idea. We should do that.”
“There’s no way in hell that I’d ever do that.” Jax grumbled, crossing his arms.
“Who said we were asking for your permission?” Ethan replied, flicking him in the forehead.
"If you acted more like a somewhat responsible teenager rather than a toddler on a sugar rush maybe then you'd be able to take part in the decisions, young grasshopper." She rolled her eyes, ruffling his hair.
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