"They do it all the time in cop shows, they say "every second counts!". Sometimes in life, you don't have time to sit around and collect your thoughts, you just have to do what you assess to be the best move in the situation."
Evan bit his lip to stifle a small laugh. Nico was cute in everything he did, even when he was angry.
“Well, when we have a massive pandemic going on and you’re really upset, I’m going to have to ask you to reassess the situation.” He ruffled Nico’s hair and sighed. “Go get your phone, okay? I’ll drive you.”
"Fine, let's go." he shot up and made his way to the door, not waiting for Evan to catch up. He knows he's a bit childish, in the way he speaks and acts, but that's always how he has been. It's like he's stuck in a groundhog day version of 7th grade.
Evan laughed gently, grabbing his keys and hurrying after Nico. He made sure the apartment was locked up before following Nico to the car, unlocking it quickly.
"Don't be irrational about it, though, got it? Stay safe. Keep yourself safe."
"Whatever," he mumbled, jumping down the stairwell 3 steps at a time. I would have been more practical to take the Elevator, sure, but he saw a movie where a lady got chopped in half and hasn't been in one since.
(Nico’s so cute!!! Poor kid getting scared by a movie goddd I love him!)
Evan watched the smaller male carefully, his anxiety spiking already.
He never really did do anything like that. It looked fun but his anxiety always got the better of him.
“So… do you think it really was your sister…?”
(he's very pouty he deserves the world)
"No way! My sister died ages ago." he paused,
"She died with my mum, I went to the funeral."
(Yes he does! We love him)
“She couldn’t have… faked it or something?” He murmured carefully, not wanting to upset Nico. He bit his lip, tilting his head. “And where would your brother be? At that hotel I mentioned?”
"Probably, he doesn't know the area very well. Plus, you cant miss Milo, he's massive and will start barking if we're in a 100 mile radius of him."
He pushed the stairwell door open,
"As for the faking, that's just stupid. Why would she fake her own death, and if she did, would she be a missing person-" he stopped in the middle of the lobby and blink,
"Holy shit."
(Sorry for my absence. Went up into the mountains for a day)
“Good. Let’s check there first.” He smiled softly, looking around the lobby as they entered it. He nearly ran into Nico, but stopped himself just in time.
Nico mumbled something under his breath and stared at his hands, moving his fingers like he was trying to count something.
His head shot back up and he screamed,
He jumped about a foot in the air at the outburst, his eyes going wide.
"Arthur….?" Evan asked, his face going a little pale as he tried to figure out what was happening. He felt so confused and out of the loop, but he kept near Nico, determined to help.
"W-when I was young- after the crash- I was obsessed with Arthur," he started to explain, now take large strides towards the lobby doors,
"I used to watch it with my mum. Once, in the middle of an episode, a big alarm went off and I started to cry. My sisters name ran across the top of the screen, along with a bunch of words I didn't know! My dad said it was a memorial or somethin', but-"
He turned to look Evan dead in the eyes,
"but I think it might'a been an Amber Alert."
( heres the vid btw, still the scariest shit I've ever seen.)
(Opened the link and immediately died XD XD Its TERRIFYING)
"Amber Alert…? You think it was for your sister? Could she have not died?" He pried, his curiosity suddenly spiking. "That's intense though… especially if it means what I think it could mean…" Evan ran his fingers through his hair and bit his lip. "So she was kidnapped…?"
Nico shook his head,
"Dunno, guess we'll find out, huh?"
“Guess we will.” Evan was more excited than he let on; this whole ordeal was like a mystery story to him, each new clue brought more and more excitement to his stomach.
Nico swung the car door open and slotted himself in the passenger seat,
"Well, hurry up then! Remember, every second counts!"
“Ah! Yes! Sorry!” He hurried into the drivers seat, turning the car on. He bit his lip and glanced over at Nico.
“Okay okay!” Evan laughed softly before he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street. He hummed as he drove, looking around every now and then.
It took only a few minutes to reach the motel he had spoken about. It was a simple building, easy to spot and quite comfortable looking.
Nico threw the door open before the car had a chance to stop, sprinting towards a set of stairs. He turned back to shout,
"He always stays in number 26!" before going up the stairs two at a time
“Whoa! Nico! Wait!” Evan tried to grab at Nico’s clothes as he jumped out before the car stopped, his eyes wide.
When the other shouted back at him he scrambled to stop his car and run up to the stairs, locking his precious car out of habit.
(Sorry for the wait! Had some stuffs for college to do!)