forum These Corona Blues Got Me Down (mlm anyone? ~ One on one ~ Closed)
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

(surprise shawty,,,)

"No- its okay. I like my job." he laughed. Suddenly, his eyes lit up,
"HEY!! you should film with me! we can do a qna!

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"It's fine, all you have to do is answer questions the audience asks!" He fished his phone from under a nearby pillow, "I'll send out a tweet, then we'll record in an hour, Kay?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

(I literally logged on like two minutes ago right after I got home from work XD Caught ya right on time)

"That's easy enough. And an hour isn't too bad…" He replied softly, watching Nico closely. He tilted his head and leaned back a little, biting his lip. "What kind of questions do you think they'll ask?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan shrugged, placing his chin on Nico’s shoulder as he watched him type out the post.
“I don’t mind any questions. I was just curious.” He admitted in his soft voice, his face splitting into a bright grin.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan's face flushed tomato red.
"Wha- cup size!?" He asked, hiding his face in the shoulder he rested on to hide his embarrassment. "Why do they wanna know that?" He asked with a soft pout, glancing up once again. "I mean, yeah I'm pretty hot but geez…"

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico smiled.
"There's a few good ones in here, I reckon we'd get some good content from this,"
he stood up and tugged on Evans sleeve,
"Let's go get set up, I'll show you the ropes."

@Toxic_Persephone group

“O-oh! Okay!” Evan stood and followed after his smaller roommate like a lost puppy. A very big lost puppy but a lost puppy nonetheless.
“How many videos do you make in a day?”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan blinked and looked up at his roommate. "Only two a week? I didn't know video's took so long!" He replied, sitting on Nico's bed once they reached his room. "I'm a little excited to try this."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Yeah, most people have an editor, but I choose to do it myself, just easier, yaknow?"
Pulling out his mic and syncing it, he sat down ready to begin,

@Toxic_Persephone group

“That’s impressive. I couldn’t do it.” He watched the other male pull out the mic, falling silent so as to not interrupt or ruin what the other was doing.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

He sat in silence for a minute, before turning to look Evan directly in the eyes. His face fell into laughter at the other boy expression.
"Hey!" he greeted the camera,

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan blushed when he was caught, hiding his lower face in his hand in hopes that Nico wouldn't notice it. His eyes went wide as he realized the camera was rolling and he gave an awkward wave in its direction, a little lost on what to do. So he turned to Nico and watched him carefully, his hand drifting back down.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Its time for more bullshit! Today we read Twitter. Exciting, right? Anywho, let us see what you mungerals have for us."
he addressed the camera, pulling up the bluebird app on his phone,
"Alright, first question! "what's his name bestie?". Oh yeah, you should introduce yourself first." he giggled, turning to face him in anticipation.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan looked a little more than surprised when the other turned towards him. He laughed nervously, a light blush coming to his features. Nico was cute.
“Oh! Yeah! Uhm, hi…? I’m Evan.” He turned to the camera as he spoke, waving awkwardly again before he turned back to his roommate and offered a small smile. His hands tucked into the pockets of his pants as he glanced back at the camera, a little unsure of where to look in the moment.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Yeah! Yeah, amen!!" Nico clapped, standing up. His demeanour on camera was vastly different to the small, soft personality he displayed in private.
He throws himself back on the bed and picks up his phone,
"Next question! Does he prefer red or green- ohh good question!!"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan blinked up at Nico as he stood, a small smile forming on his lips. He was a little curious as to why he was so much more… bright? Regardless he liked to see Nico smile…
He pondered over the question for a moment, leaning back and biting at his lip. "Well, I really like the color red, it happens to be one of my favorite colors."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

He exclaimed, turning away in faux disgust.
The questions and answer ccontinued for an hour till Nico finally turned off his camera and flopped onto his bed.

@Toxic_Persephone group

He laughed at the exclamation, sticking his tongue out.
The rest of the question and answer went by rather quickly for him, Evan answering as honestly as he could. By the end of it, however, he was a little tired. He too flopped backwards onto the bed once done, groaning softly as he threw his arm over his eyes.
“How do you do that so much without like dying?” He asked teasingly, peeking over at the other. “Your viewers have too much energy.”