@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸
Josh followed aswell, assuming he was going too, considering that his dog had tagged along.
They piled into the car, Nico and Milo squashed into the back seat!
"Alright! To the apartment!!"
Josh followed aswell, assuming he was going too, considering that his dog had tagged along.
They piled into the car, Nico and Milo squashed into the back seat!
"Alright! To the apartment!!"
(XD Evan is equal parts cute and equal parts feral. But Nico? That kid is cute as heeeelllll)
Before driving off, Evan gave Milo a few pats, beaming at the big dog. He'd always wanted one but never got around to adopting or finding one for himself. He was a little preoccupied with life.
He laughed quietly at the words, nodding as he drove off.
It didn't take them long to reach the apartment, Evan hurrying to open the door and let his guests and roommate in.
"Alright, lets do this!"
(He do be kinda babie doe)
They sprinted up the stairwell. Josh yelled a little "he's a service dog!" anytime someone tried to stop Milo from galloping after them (not that anyone could actually stop him)
Nico ran at the door and tried to push it open, only before slamming his body aggressively again the door,
"Ow," he frowned, "it's locked."
(He really do be doe!)
Evan stifled his laughter when he came up to Nico, shaking his head and gently patting Nico’s head.
“You’re too cute.” He hummed, a light blush on his face as he unlocked the door and opened it for the group.
“Alright, after you,”
"Sheesh, get a room," Josh jeered, slipping his way through the door.
Nico made a burst for his room, turning his computer on,
"Alright, facebook login!"
Evan flushed at the jeer, rubbing at the back of his neck sheepishly.
He followed after Nico a little slower, awkwardly standing by the door and biting his lip as he watched the other.
“So, what do you plan to do? Are we going to go find her?”
"Well- I wouldn't imagine she has a facebook, but-"
he pressed enter on his credentials and opened his profile,
"I'm sure we'll find some sort of relative on here!"
Evan laughed softly, moving to hover over Nico’s shoulder, humming. “This is kinda fun. Like a mystery.”
Nico opened his mouth to protest, but Josh cut him off,
"Come on! Put our name in the search bar!"
He did as he was told, and thousands of results popped up,
"How are we supposed to know whose who??"
Evan frowned at the long list, eyeing each profile pic as well as he could.
“Mm is there something we can use to find out? A free ancestral chart or something?”
"No.. That'd take to long.." he sighed,
"Hey-" Nico's hand shot up to the screen,
"She kinda looks like aunt Rosa!"
Josh narroed his eyes and lent forward; he shook his head,
"No, I'm not familiar."
"She came to stay with dad, to help look after me!"
He opened the profile named 'Aster Dolion'
Evan puffed up his cheeks as he thought for a moment. His eyes widened when the woman was pointed out, grinning.
"Shoot her a message!"
Nico slammed the keys of his keyboard, clumsily constructing his message to the girl.
He pressed send.
"Now we wait," Josh sighed, straightening himself up
Evan hummed once that was done, standing and moving to the kitchen to grab some water.
"How are you two feeling? This is a lot of news." He asked, smiling back at the two. Though he felt awkward with the two brothers he wasn't going to let that stop him.
Nico shrugged,
"Hasn't set in yet."
"Yeah," Josh followed up,
"Its kinda crazy, i guess i feel a bit… indifferent?"
Evan nodded gently, his eyes looking over the two before they settled on the big dog. He moved to pet the animal, sighing deeply.
“I’d be the same.” He admitted.
“So uh… anything you two want to do while we wait?”
(Sorry id died)
"No," Nico said quickly.
"I wanna wait"
(You’re okay! Stay healthy and safe okey?)
Evan only nodded, smiling softly before he flopped into a chair and sighed deeply, pulling out his phone.
"Where'd you go?" Nico asked suddenly, staring at Josh.
"Uh- what?"
Evan blinked at the sudden question, looking up.
"You mean Josh?"
"Yeah, where'd you go?"
Josh shrugged,
"I dont know, i just kinda…. left."
“You didn’t like your home life?” Evan asked quietly, looking over Josh and Nico sadly.
“You both left, didnt you? Just at different times.”
"Yeah," Josh nodded,
"Both for very different reason, too."
"I know a little of Nico's side, but Josh why did you leave?"
Josh shrugged,
"Jus' got tired of all the fighting, ya know?"
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