“I just don’t wasn’t you to be mad, that’s literally the only reason.” He said, barely meeting Lachy’s eyes.
“I just don’t wasn’t you to be mad, that’s literally the only reason.” He said, barely meeting Lachy’s eyes.
Lachy rolled all the way over, raising a brow as he hugged a pillow to his chest, "Mhm, really? That's the only reason?" Aidan was just so… so confusing sometimes.
“Yeah…I don’t like when people are mad at me. Especially you..” He mumbled, looking down at his feet. “What other reason would there be for me to give in?”
"I dunno. Whatever would fulfill the whole asshole complex you having going on sometimes. Whatever would let you continue to be stubborn." One minute he was cold and distant and yes, an asshole and the next he was kind and caring. Lachy just didn't get it.
He rolled his eyes. “Wow thanks for that.” He said sarcastically. However, the words did sting, especially since he knew they were true. But, he’d never admit that, especially not right now.
Lachy stood from the couch, mumbling someone under his breath as he went out the front door. Everything was so confusing, the prophecy, Aidan… he took of his shoes and placed his feet in the lake surrounding them.
He sighed softly, knowing he needed to give Lachy his space. “Great job, Aidan. It’s happening again.” He mumbled. It really seemed that at this point, pushing people away was his only talent. He just didn’t know how to explain what went on in his head.
The sun shone down on the camp, coating it in a warm, golden glow that Lachy loved. He swung his feet back and forth, the slightly cool water a contrast to how warm it was outside.
Aidan would stay inside for a few more minutes before realizing he needed to stop being an ass and go apologize. He walked out, standing next to Lachy. “Hey…”
Lachy didn’t glance up at Aidan when he felt his presence. He kept his gaze on the crystal clear water instead, “Hi.”
“I’m sorry for being an ass. I’m really bad at communicating and have a bit of an anger issue on top of that. So…I’m sorry. I’m trying to get better. I’ll go inside now..”
"Sit." There wasn't room for argument in Lachy's tone, indicating that he was still mad however he wanted to talk about it.
He actually listened for once, silently sitting down next to Lachy. Not super close, but close enough. He fidgeted anxiously with his hands, waiting for Lachy to speak.
He was quiet for another few moments, looking down at the water, "I don't… I just don't get you. One minute you're.. well nice and then the next you're distant and awkward."
“I’m sorry…it’s just the way I am I guess? I’m not actually mad at you I just get very emotionally overwhelmed very easily.”
“I can tell,” He sighed, “It’s just.. one minute I feel like we’re actually becoming friends, and then the next I feel like you hate me. I understand that… all this is… a lot but…”
“We are friends. At least I think so.” He swished his feet around in the water to distract himself, frowning softly. “And I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
"Then why do you act like it? Why is it that as soon as something happens that you don't like, suddenly you're back to being distant?" He picked at the grass next to them, trying to distract himself.
He shrugged. “I don’t know…I guess it’s how I avoid getting hurt. But then I turn into the asshole so I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. Just whenever I feel like I’m right, I won’t let go of that.”
“Aidan if- if we want to win, you can’t just shut me out all the time.” Lachy swallowed, “You can’t just be an asshole towards me and everyone else when we have to work together.”
“I know.” He abruptly grabbed both of Lachy’s hands, looking him in the eyes. “I’ll do better, I promise. I-I might need a little help, but I’ll do my best.”
Lachy blinked at the sudden movement, holding the eye contact for a moment before looking down at his lap, “I know. I’m just asking you to try.”
“I will try…I promise.” He let go of Lachy’s hands, looking back down at the water. “It’s so peaceful here, I like it.” He smiled softly.
“Compared to back at the Facility, yeah.” He replied, kicking his legs back and forth, “I wish it was like this forever.”
He nodded in agreement, letting his own legs swish around the water. “Well maybe someday this’ll be normal. All the peacefulness.”
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