forum No More Boundaries ((OXO - closed))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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The thought of how many lives could be lost. How many innocent people, how many people like him and Aidan could be lost sent Lachy's stomach twisting, "I suppose you're right. Who do you think even came up with this whole prophecy thing?"


Lachy nodded, even though there was still a sliver of doubt in him, "Hopefully. But still… I've never fought a day in my life! I couldn't even-" He paused, then spoke again, "I'm too small and skinny to go up against some of the people at the Facilities."


He rolled his eyes, though there was a small smile on his face, "What if you're not there, though? What if I can't use my power and you're not there?"


Lachy was about to take his hand away, knowing that it might not be right to do so, but decided to leave it there. He still had his doubts, so he just nodded instead, falling quiet.


After a few moments, Lachy scooted closer, resting his head on Aidan's shoulder. If he was asked to move he would, but he guessed he needed the comfort right now.


(lolol I know what you mean though)

Lachy couldn't help the faint smile that crossed his features, letting his eyes close. He liked this, more then he should. Making connections, more then friendship, was deadly.


((Oh thank god lmao))

For once, Aidan’s brain didn’t shut down, or get overwhelmed with negativity. Instead, it was quiet and peaceful. He let himself enjoy the moment, his hand tangled in Lachy’s hair, and Lachy’s head on his shoulder. He smiled softly. He liked this.


Lachy almost purred with content, however he managed to cover it with a sigh instead. He blushed softly, enjoying the attention and the comfort that radiated off of Aidan in the moment. If only life could be this peaceful.


Aidan would stay like this for a few more minutes, happy having Lachy close to him. It made him feel so peaceful. If this is what happened whenever he stopped being angry or stopped shutting people out, he really liked what resulted from it.


But, all things have to come to an end. Even though Lachy wanted to stay like that for hours on end, people started to look over, and rumors was something they didn't need right now. So he pulled away.


Aidan let him pull away but he really didn’t want him to go. But he knew as well as Lachy did that rumors were something they didn’t want. “Do you wanna go back inside? Or would it be better for us to stay out here?”


Lachy shrugged a shoulder. It might be best if they headed inside, just so people would stop staring at them. Just knowing people were looking made his skin crawl, "Inside. Just for now."