"You think?" He glanced up at Josh and watched him curiously. "A dog huh? There's a motel down by 8th that allows dogs. It's decent. Not five stars, but still nice." He offered.
Evan's face flushed at the joke, his jaw dropping open. "W-Wedding!? I uh…" He didn't get time to sort out his words, left alone with a sleeping Nico. Evan rubbed at his face to get rid of the red, laughing softly.
5 minutes after Josh left, a nurse slipped in.
"The Doctor is on his way up. Looking at his vital we think he can be discharged late tonight or early morning tomorrow."
Evan glanced up at the nurse, nodding and flashing a small smile. "Thank you for telling me. When Nico wakes up I'll let him know." He replied brightly.
She nodded and left, leaving the two boys alone.
He turned back to look at Nico, smiling as he leaned gently against the bed and gently ran his finger's through Nico's hair. "You're the dumbest cutie I know." He murmured quietly, laughing softly as he realized he was talking to himself. "I'm just glad you'll be back in the apartment. I really don't like hospitals during a pandemic."
An hour passed before another person turned up at the door,
"Nickolas Dolion?"
Evan glanced up, tilting his head. "I know him by Nico, but I think that's his name" He laughed nervously, smiling at the person.
"Let me see his bracelet."
The man lifted Nico's wrist and squinted his eyes, causing the young boy to stir,
"Yes, this is him,"
The man stood up want straight his back. He was tall, in his late 50's, and incredibly skinny. He's what you'd imagine a human Dracula to look like,
"I'm Doctor West."
Evan had to refrain from telling the man off, knowing that wouldn't go over well if he was the doctor. He just knew Nico needed all the rest he could get and this man was stirring Nico.
"I'm Evan, Evan Hughes, Nico's roommate."
"Ah, okay. Well, I have you discharge papers ready, all that you need to do is sign it. The nurse will come around to remove the IV, then just let the girls at the desk know you've been given the thumbs up,"
He placed the board in Evan's hands,
"Just sign at the bottom and I'll get out of your hair."
“Thank you, I’ll make sure I do that.” Eve an took the board and quickly signed where he had to. He gave the board back to the doctor and sighed deeply.
"Great, you should start packing now, emergency is over-flooded and we need rooms as soon as possible."
“I’m sure it is. Good luck to you, doctor, I hope you’ll remain healthy.” Evan dipped his head in thanks, standing to get everything he could to pack it.
Nico watched the doctor leave.
He spoke suddenly, breaking the silence,
"Where'd Josh go?"
Evan jumped at the sound of Nico, turning to look at him with wide eyes. "Oh… he left just before the doctor came in." He replied, folding his arms and moving to stand next to the bed.
"How long have you been awake?"
He shrugged,
"Dunno, just am."
He shuffled so he was sitting crossed-legged on the bed, wincing as his back muscles stretch,
"We goin'?"
Evan ruffled Nico’s hair and smiled softly.
“Yes we’re leaving soon. You should rest so you don’t hurt yourself.”
" 'm not, my back's just sore."
He looked around the room, his eyes drifted to a jacket thrown hastily over a chair,
"Is that you jacket? I don't remember you wearing it."
Evan looked at the jacket and bit his lip. “I don’t think so… it could be mine.” He walked over to it, gently picking it up and offering it to Nico
"Mmm, It might be Josh's…" he lifted it and held it to his chest,
"Oh well, we can hold on to it for him, it'll give him an excuse to come visit us again!"
Evan smiled happily at Nico’s words, nodding. “Of course. We’ll have to bully him into coming around more often, won’t we?” He asked in an amused tone, fixing his own hair.
"Yeah, and we'll make him bring Milo! He told me all about him but I've never got to meet him! The landlord won't mind if we have a Great Dane over for a few hours right? He's toilet trained!"
“I’m sure the landlord won’t mind. And I happen to love dogs so you’re clear with me.” He laughed softly and sat down next to the bed. “Great Dane… is he big?”
"Apparently! I hope he's not too big, I wanted to nap with him…"
“A dog that big might take up your whole bed,” Evan mused, watching Nico with a bright smile.
“What will you do then? Sleep on the dog?”