Evan smiled at the response, laughing softly to himself. Nico was too cute.
« Of course I can. I’ll be back in a little bit. »
He hummed happily as he strolled through the streets, on his way to their apartment. At least there he could get his car. He had ridden with the ambulance to the hospital so he didn’t have a ride back home.
At least it wasn’t too far.
Josh opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Sure, it was possible that someone else had been calling him, impersonating his sister, but it was also possible that Nico was delirious, that he didn't go to his sisters funeral, maybe it was someone else's
Evan opened his door to find even more alcohol left on the counter for him, a note from his friends telling him it was to celebrate the break that was coming up in the school year.
Evan chuckled lightly at the scribbled drawings on the bottom of the note, taking the alcohol back to his room. He hid them in the same place he always did - in the closet behind a rather large blanket stack - before grabbing his charger and a few things he might need.
He moved to Nico’s room next, grabbing the requested item and smiling softly at it. Evan couldn’t help but hug it to his chest, breathing in the soft smells of Nico for a moment.
Josh shook his head,
"Nothing- It's just so weirdo has been calling me the past 5 years pretending to be Reese,"
"What?" he sat up, alarmed,
"Who's been calling you??"
Evan hummed happily as he grabbed his keys and locked up.
It felt empty and a little quiet without another human being in there with him. He was almost regretting coming back home alone for that night already.
He walked down the street a little quicker than usual, biting his lip as he looked up the road.
"No one, don't worry."
Nico huffed,
"I AM worried! What if someones after you?"
"Hey- Evans been gone for a while…" Josh spoke quickly, changing the subject.
Evan was running a little late, he had stopped for more coffee. It felt relaxing to finally get some caffeine in his system. He walked into the main door of the hospital and nodded kindly to the woman at the front desk.
He knocked softly on the door to the room Nico was in.
"Nico? May I come in?"
"Oh- yeah sure."
He looked over at the old blue bear in Evan's arms
Evan laughed gently and gave the bear to Nico. “Charlie is quite soft. I like him.” He hummed, taking a seat and sighing deeply. “How are you feeling? Still sore?”
Nico buried his face in the ratty, old, blue fur before nodding his head,
"I'm okay, I just wanna go home."
Evan folded his arms over his chest and nodded. “I’m sure you do. They’ll clear you for home soon, okay? For now get some rest.” He offered a small, dorky smile and chuckled.
( Dang, mind if I stalk? )
(I’m cool with it! @Ikinss are you okay with that?)
Nico dozed off into a stable sleep now he had his bear, leaving Josh and Evan alone,
"So…What happened exactly?"
Evan bit his lip and gestured for the other male to sit as well. "I'm not even quite sure of that myself. All I know is that one moment Nico and I are getting along pretty well, and I'm enjoying his company, and the next he's bleeding out… I don't know him completely so I'm not sure what was going on his head. I want to get to know him though, he is my roommate and I think he's pretty fun to hang around with."
And fun to kiss and snuggle…
Evan flushed at the thought.
"Mmm," Josh ran his hands through his black hair,
"That happens sometimes. He did that a lot when we were younger, it never got so severe that he had to be hospitalised. He mostly just past out or had a spontaneous nose bleed; those ones were the worst, you ever seen blood clots drop from someone's nose?"
“No I haven’t…” Evan’s face went from a light pink to a ghostly white in a matter of seconds. “Can’t say I’d like to, either. Sounds terrifying.” He admitted, sighing as he looked at Nico.
“Are you close with him?”
"Used to be. I ran away went he was 10, haven't seen him till now. I always asked our father over the phone if I could talk to him. At first he told me that Nico didn't want to talk, then it became a matter of "He's grounded" or "he can't come to the phone right now". I just wish I had known sooner…"
Evan rubbed out his sore hands, nodding gently. “I don’t blame you for running away… it didn’t sound like the ideal household. I would hav done the same… and as for knowing sooner, we all wish we did for most everything in life. We can’t help it, but we can remedy the damage after it.”
Josh glanced over at his sleeping brother and swallowed hard,
"I don't think we can fix him, but I'm sure as hell going to fucking try."
"I'm going to try too…" Evan murmured, reaching over to fix Nico's hair (and totally not to feel how soft it was). "He deserves a lot more than what he's gone through. A lot more. I wish I could help."
"It's over now, best not to dwell on it."
"Yeah… it is best to do that…" He murmured as he leaned back in his chair. "Are you going to stay here with him? In the hospital that is? Would he even be alright with someone staying here with him for a bit? Hospitals are lonely."
Josh smiled sadly,
"I think he'd be much more content if you stayed with him."
He stood up, rubbing his hands together,
"I-I best head out gotta track down a motel that allows dogs." Josh laughed, stumbling towards the door,
"It was nice meeting you, Evan. Remember to invite me to the wedding."
With his snide flirtatious joke, he disappeared down the hall.