Nix swallowed and curiously watched Halm move the spoon. The tip of his tail twitched a bit. Cas returned to simply eating.
Nix swallowed and curiously watched Halm move the spoon. The tip of his tail twitched a bit. Cas returned to simply eating.
Halm smiled a little.
"Here," he said, "do you want to try?"
Nix stuck the spoon in his mouth again, pulling away with a confused expression when there wasn't any food on it. He glanced between the empty spoon and the bowl of oatmeal curiously.
Halm chuckled a little.
"You've got to put food on the spoon first." He moved the spoon down back to the bowl. He offered the spoon handle to Nix, now that it had did on it again.
Nix grabbed the spoon and shoved it in his mouth, chewing on the metal a bit. "It's hard… how am I supposed to eat it?"
Halm laughed a little.
"Don't try to eat the spoon," he said. "We use it to bring the food to your mouth, not to eat." He smiled softly, reaching up to take the spoon from Nix. He patted Nix's head.
"You'll get it eventually."
"Oh… okay." Nix purred softly when Halm touched his head. He allowed Halm to take the spoon and watched him curiously again. "Can I have more?" He asked.
"Of course," Halm said. He picked up some more oatmeal, offering it to Nix.
Nix just ate off the spoon this time, not even bothering with trying to pick it up. Halm praised him when he did it this way, so it must be the right way, right?
Halm smiled.
"Good," he said with a soft smile. He pulled the spoon back. He scratched the top of Nix's head.
Nix closed his eyes and purred happily, turning back his ears again. He clearly enjoyed the praise. Cas smirked a bit and ate more of his oatmeal.
Halm pet Nix a bit more, using this as an opportunity to take a bite of his own food. He looked over at Cas, smiling a little. This was nice. He pulled his hands away, picking Nix's spoon up again.
Nix's ears pricked up when he noticed Halm lifting the spoon. He kept purring quietly as he watched.
Halm brought the food up to Nix's lips.
"You're doing really good, with this being your first time," he praised.
"Mm…" Nix curled his tail around himself as he ate, still purring contentedly. "I'm not used to my food hurting me when I try to eat it."
"I understand," Halm said. "I'll keep from making too many things that are too hot, okay?" He smiled softly, feeding Nix. Everytime Nix was successful he got head rubs, mostly because Halm loved the look Nix got in his face.
Nix seemed content through the whole process. He was getting fed and pet at the same time. What more could he want. He purred softly, nuzzling into Halm's hand every time he was touched.
Eventually, Nix's good was gone. They had finished. Halm smiled gently.
"That's everything," he said. He kept rubbing Nix's head. He pet Nix as he started to eat his own food.
"Mmm…" Nix yawned a bit and huddled up against Halm, purring. "He gets clingy after he eats." Cas explained, finishing his own food and laying back down on the bed. "And it being warm probably won't help."
"I see," Halm said, looking at Cas. Halm put his arm around Nix, rubbing his head. Halm ate quickly, smiling softly.
"Feeling okay?" He asked Cas.
"Yeah, I'm a little better than earlier at least… not nauseous anymore. Still a bit sore, but that's mostly better too." Cas sighed softly. Nix huddled closer to Halm, nuzzling against him affectionately.
"That's good," Halm said. Halm put both arms lightly around Nix, rubbing his head and back.
"Be sure to let us know if anything changes."
Cas nodded a bit. "Nix sometimes gets nippy when he's tired as well. He never bites very hard, though. More like a strange affectionate thing. It probably won't hurt as much when he's human." Nix nuzzled against Halm's arm, his ears flattened back against his head.
"Ah," Halm said, understanding. He wondered to himself if Nix would do that to him. He scratched Nix's head. Nix seemed to be enjoying this, and Halm was content with that.
"I'm to take it you aren't tired, seeing as you slept all day?"
Cas shrugged a bit. "I'm still feeling pretty drained, but I don't think I'd be able to fall back asleep." Nix pushed his head into Halm's hand, purring. "He seems to like you."
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