forum Big Brother: Gay Edition (MATURE, Enter at own risk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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(He's baby)
"Well, you're pretty fast. You're tall and you can cover ground quickly. You could probably get here before the average ambulance would arrive." Nix shrugged.


"You need to do your job or your superior will be angry. Like I said, that would be bad for all three of us."


"I won't. Most things I'll be able to handle myself, to be honest." Nix ran his fingers through Cas's hair.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Alright then…" Halm sighed softly, looking over at Nix. He was worried about going to work. He was terrified something would happen while he was gone and Nix wouldn't be able to help. Like if Cas died. He let out as soft breath, trying to calm down.


"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him. I won't let him leave the room without constant supervision." Nix looked back up at Halm, smiling weakly.


Nix purred weakly, leaning into Halm's hand again with his eyes closed. "I'll expect you back around meal times. I don't know how to cook and I don't trust Cas to do it."


Nix turned his ears back, relaxing into Halm's touch. "I'd do it if I could, but I'm not used to having opposable thumbs, so I haven't had the ability to do so until now."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I understand. You'll get used to them, though, with how much time you'll be spending like this." Halm smiled gently as Nix relaxed into his hand, lifting his other hand up to rub him as well.


Nix nodded and purred a bit louder, his tail twitching. "I'm sure I will…" He sighed. "And as nice as this is, you really need to get to work. You're already behind schedule."


"See you then." Nix huddled up under the covers with Cas again, yawning. He was a bit tired still, but he knew he'd be able to stay awake.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Halm stood finally. He stayed by the side of the bed a moment more, then finally left. He went out to work, and hadn't been lying when he said he would come back at dinner time. He had a lot of work to do.
(Should something happen or just time skip to dinner?)


Nix silently lay with Cas while he waited for Halm to return. Cas stayed asleep the whole time, clearly still drained, but breathing well enough that Nix wasn't worried about him being unstable.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(ooh, perfecto)
Halm finished outside, bringing in even more memories to put away. He stepped quietly, working his way through them. He looked down at the ones left to put away. There, at the top, was Cas's father. Halm stared at it a moment, then picked it up.
"Fuck you," he said quietly, about to smash the container, when he had an idea. He made his way into the bedroom, taking the memories with him.
"Nix," he said softly. "Could you do me a favor?"


Nix looked up when Halm came in and eyed the teardrop container curiously. "Yeah, sure. What do you need, Halm?" He asked. He pushed himself up into a sitting position.


"Yeah, alright." Nix took the vial from Halm, unstoppered it, and tipped it up. "Hmm. Kinda bitter…" He hummed thoughtfully. "What was this, by the way?


"Yeah, no problem." Nix yawned a bit and looked down at Cas. "I presume it's dinner time since you're back?"


Nix nodded. "Yeah… should I try to wake him up?" He asked, turning his gaze up to Halm. "I'm a little worried…"