@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Please do," Halm said. He sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping the container into his pocket. "I want to make sure he's okay."
"Please do," Halm said. He sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping the container into his pocket. "I want to make sure he's okay."
Nix nodded and shook Cas gently. "Cas… wake up. You've been asleep all day." Cas didn't stir. "Cas… Do you have any kind of magic that could wake him up?"
Halm thought a moment, then nodded. This was worrying him now. He placed his hand on Cas's head.
"Wake up," he said, voice firm, as he attempted to use his powers to wake Cas up.
Cas stirred a bit and opened his eyes, looking up at Halm drowsily. "Whaaaaat…?" He whined, still clearly half asleep.
"Cas, you need to wake up, it's almost time for dinner." Halm gently ran his hand over Cas's hair, smiling a little. "You've been asleep all day."
"Mm… but m'tired…" Cas mumbled tiredly. Nix nuzzled against Cas, purring softly. "Morning, sunshine."
"I know, but food is important." Halm rubbed Cas's back a little.
"Here, try to sit up."
"Mmmmm…" Nix sat up with Cas, smiling softly. "Halm's gonna make some food, okay? Can you stay awake for me?" Nix asked. "I guess so…"
Halm patted both Nix's and Cas's head before standing. He walked out, making dinner. Just something light, so it wouldn't upset Cas's stomach. He came back, with plates for all of them.
Cas was petting Nix when Halm returned. Nix had his eyes closed and was purring contentedly, seeming quite pleased. "What did you make?" Cas asked.
"Oatmeal. I don't want you to be eating anything that might upset your stomach." Halm sat down, smiling a little. At least Nix was happy.
"Mm…" Cas sat up and accepted a bowl from Halm. Nix examined his own bowl curiously, clearly confused. After a few seconds of hesitation, he slowly lifted it up to his mouth and stuck his tongue in it.
"Careful, it's hot," Halm said, jumping a little when Nix suck his tongue in the bowl. He lowered the bowl carefully, making sure Nix didn't drop it.
Nix whined softly, keeping his tongue stuck out while he lowered the bowl. "It hurt me…" He mumbled, eyeing the oatmeal suspiciously.
"I'm sorry, I should have warned you sooner." Halm set the bowl down, lifting one hand up to Nix's face.
"Want me to help with it?"
"Uh… with your fancy expedited healing thing?" He asked, keeping the hot bowl in his lap. Cas got a spoonful of oatmeal for himself and blew on it so it wouldn't burn him like it had burned Nix.
Halm nodded.
"This shouldn't hurt," he promised. He glanced at Cas, glad he hadn't made the same mistake. He closed his eyes a little, starting to heal Nix's tongue. In a moment, he pulled away.
"Better?" He asked.
Nix nodded and lifted his bowl of oatmeal up to try and lick it again, clearly not having learned from his mistakes.
Halm stopped Nix before he could try to lick it again.
"It's still hot," he said gently. "Do you want some help?"
"Hmm?" Nix looked up at Halm, confused. "How do you mean? Is this not how you eat it?" He asked. Cas kept quietly eating his oatmeal the proper way behind them on the bed.
"It's not," Halm said, biting back a smile. He motioned to Cas. "See? The spoon helps you cool the food down so you can eat it." Halm picked up Nix's spoon.
"Like this." He dipped the spoon in the oatmeal, blowing on it gently and holding it out for Nix.
Nix hesitated before tentatively touching his tongue to the oatmeal on the spoon, still clearly not understanding. Cas snickered a bit to himself and kept eating.
Halm sighed gently, smiling a little. "Put it in your mouth," Halm instructed. "Then put your lips around it to keep the food in while I take the spoon out." Thankfully, the oatmeal had cooled down enough for Nix to touch without burning himself.
Nix hesitated before obeying, turning his ears back a bit while doing so. Cas watched curiously from where he was sitting.
Halm gently pulled the spoon out of Nix's mouth, happy to see most of the food had stayed in Nix's mouth.
"Good job," he said, smiling.
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