"Mmmm… but what if he needs me…?" Nix asked softly. He closed his eyes and purred weakly when Halm started petting him.
"Mmmm… but what if he needs me…?" Nix asked softly. He closed his eyes and purred weakly when Halm started petting him.
"I'm here too," Halm said gently. "I can take care of both of you. I know today had been stressful for everyone…" Himself included, but Halm left that part out. He kept petting Nix, glad he was enjoying it.
Nix nodded a bit, his breathing growing more easy as he nuzzled into Halm's hand. After a few more minutes of trying to stay awake, he drifted off to sleep.
Halm sighed softly as Nix fell asleep. This was more than he had ever bargained for when he Claimed Cas. But, the thing was, he knew he wouldn't go back on what he had done. He would protect Cas and Nix with his eternal life. He tucked Nix in a bit more, keeping himself awake to make sure if Cas or Nix needed anything he could help them.
Nix yawned a bit in his sleep and clung to Cas, still protective of him even while sleeping. Cas sighed, nuzzling closer to him.
Even with Nix and Cas on the bed, Halm still dwarfed them in size. He was curled around them a bit.
"I'm sorry this happened," Halm said softly, feeling guilty. "It's all my fault."
Cas and Nix stayed asleep for now. After a while, Nix was the first to stir. He whined softly in his sleep, shifting around a bit on the edge of wakefulness.
Halm looked up from his short wallowing in his guilt to see Nix stirring. He gently cupped Nix's head, lightly running his hand over Nix's hair.
Nix purred quietly and soon opened his eyes to look up at Halm. He was still clearly sleepy and nuzzled against Halm's hand.
(Nix and Halm are starting to feel like Extremely Stressed and Protective Gay DadsTM to Cas and I'm here for it XD)
"Hey," Halm said softly so as not to wake Cas. "You feeling better now?" He gently scratched Nix's head, managing a small smile.
"Mm… a little. You should rest too. You probably need it more than me." Nix smiled weakly at the petting, purring and closing his eyes again.
Halm was going to argue against that, but was interrupted by a yawn.
"Alright then," he conceded, "But don't hesitate to wake me up if Cas needs help with something." Halm snuggled down, absentmindedly petting Nix until he fell asleep.
"I will." Nix sat up a bit to keep himself awake, now watching over Cas. Cas continued sleeping soundly without a care in the world.
Halm's arm dropped from Nix when he sat up, and he wrapped both around Cas as he slept. Cas might not have had a care as he slept, but Halm's dreams were haunted by Cas's screams. He winced back, face contorting.
Nix hesitated before reaching out one small hand and starting to gently pet Halm, trying to calm him. Being pet himself always relaxed him, so he figured that it might work for Halm as well.
Halm shivered a bit, but he leaned into Nix's hand. Halm really hadn't been touched much in his life, considering how long he had lived, and he craved the soft petting Nix was giving him. Eventually, Halm simply woke up, eyes half closed still as the screaming slowly faded from his mind.
Nix looked down at him curiously, his hand still in the God's hair. "Are you alright?" He asked softly. "You seemed disturbed."
"I-I…" Halm hesitated. He wanted to say everything was fine, but… It felt bad to lie to Nix. "I just…" He sighed softly. His voice grew small. "I just can't sleep… I keep hearing Cas scream…"
Nix nodded a bit. "I suppose I'm more used to seeing him upset than you are." He smiled weakly. "He's had a hard life. He's had a lot of low moments, and I've been there for most of them."
Halm nodded slowly. He sat up a bit too, not trusting himself to fall asleep again. He didn't want to fall asleep and Nix not be able to wake him up.
"I see," he said softly. "Still…" He sighed. "I had told him he wouldn't have to deal with things like this anymore."
"You may be a god, but you can only control so much." Nix hummed thoughtfully, looking up at Halm. "Not to mention, Cas is notorious for getting himself into trouble. It isn't your fault."
Halm nodded a little.
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to do something to make sure he can't keep hurting himself. I thought there wasn't much dangerous for him here but if… This, could happen, I'm gonna have to change a lot." Halm sighed.
"He'll need to be under constant surveillance. Getting him to stop hurting himself is harder than you think." Nix gently grabbed Cas's arm and pulled up his sleeve, showing Halm the scars underneath. "I suspect it'll only get worse after a traumatic event like this."
Halm nodded a little, lightly touching the scars with a finger.
"He can't be left alone, not for a long time in the future… And it's gonna take a lot to help him with through this." He closed his eyes a moment, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"And we'll have to find a way to take care of what he might accidentally do again."
Nix nodded. "As a cat, all I could do was comfort him after an episode… now, hopefully I can actually help him and talk him down when he's in a bad mental state like that."
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