Cas sighed softly, keeping his eyes closed. "I… it's okay… it's not like anyone cared about me here anyway."
Cas sighed softly, keeping his eyes closed. "I… it's okay… it's not like anyone cared about me here anyway."
Ham rubbed Cas's back lightly. He looked down at Cas, regret in his eyes.
"I'm sorry about that too. You deserve to be cared for by someone."
"Nix cares about me. That's what matters, I guess." Cas sighed a bit, huddling up against Halm.
"What an I, chopped liver?" Halm asked with the smallest of chuckles. "I care about you too, you know. I want you to be safe, and happy."
"Really? Why do you care about me?" Cas asked, confused. "I didn't exactly do anything to deserve it."
"You don't have to do anything for someone to care about you," Halm said. "I just do. I don't know why, but I have since we met here a few days ago. I didn't want you to get hurt."
(Cas: accidentally kills himself with soul water)
"Oh… okay." He was quiet for a few seconds. "Am I gonna have the same body when I die?"
(Halm: -_- you're an idiot but your my idiot)
"You could," Halm said, thinking. "Or you could have a different one. It all depends on you."
Cas nodded a bit. "I dunno… I'm used to this body. I'd probably prefer to keep this one. And… um… w-what happens when I lose Nix?"
Halm nodded.
"Well…" He said slowly, "he'll have to move on. Get reborn back up here. The only way that won't happen is if I Claim him too."
"Oh…" Cas fidgeted a bit, unsure what to do. "I-I… um… I'm not sure how I'd do without him…"
"Okay then," Halm assured gently, "then I'll make sure he'll start with us, okay?"
Cas nodded a bit. "S-So you're gonna claim him? Will he be able to keep his memories?"
"Yes, I will. He'll still have all his memories, promise." Halm spoke reassuringly, wanting Cas to be okay with this. "He'll still be Nix."
Cas nodded again. "Hopefully he's okay with it… w… w-what if he doesn't wanna stay with me?"
"We'll ask him," Halm said gently. "You yourself said he cares about you. I have a feeling he'll want to stay, to take care of you."
"I hope so…" Cas drew in a wavering breath, huddling close to Halm.
"It'll be okay, Cas." Halm wrapped both arms around Cas, holding him close. The sun was almost set now, and everything was beautiful.
Cas nodded a bit, looking up to watch the sunset. He sighed and held onto Halm's hand.
Halm watched the sun set too, smiling softly.
"I'm glad we came here."
"Me too…" Cas climbed into Halm's lap and settled down.
Halm wrapped both arms around Cas again, smiling a little. Cas was like a teddy bear, so nice to hold and snuggle with. Eventually, the sun set entirely, and Halm yawned a little.
Cas was huddled up with Halm at this point, yawning and trying to stay awake. He was clearly tired, but he didn't want to fall asleep yet.
Halm sighed a little.
"I think it's time to head back," he said. He yawned again. Carefully, Halm stood up. He held Cas carefully, almost cradling him, so as to not jostle him.
Cas closed his eyes and shifted to be more comfortable in Halm's arms. "Mmmmm…"
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