@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Halm smiled gently, beginning to walk. He found a large enough shadow, stepping through. They were back in the gardens now. Halm headed to the house, stepping in.
"We're back," he said quietly.
Halm smiled gently, beginning to walk. He found a large enough shadow, stepping through. They were back in the gardens now. Halm headed to the house, stepping in.
"We're back," he said quietly.
"Mmkay…" Cas yawned and huddled close, steadily relaxing and still trying not to fall asleep.
Halm carried Cas into the bedroom, setting him down on the bed gently.
"I'm going to go have a talk with Nix about the Claiming, okay?" He murmured quietly.
"Mmkay…" Cas huddled up on the bed and soon fell asleep, yawning a bit.
Halm smiled softly, tucking Cas in a little before leaving the room to find Nix. He'd probably have to ask Nix to let him go into human form again so they could actually talk.
Nix was curled up on top of the couch, purring softly in content. His ears and tail twitched a bit in his sleep.
Halm sighed a little, sitting down on the couch. He didn't want to wake Nix up, but it was for Cas's sake.
"Nix," he said, gently putting his hand on Nix.
Nix yawned and stretched. He looked over at Halm tiredly, not too pleased at being awoken, but figuring it must be important.
"We need to talk," he said gently. "And it would be easier if you could talk too. Is it alright for me to make you human again?" He spoke quietly, not wanting to wake Cas up.
Nix nodded and jumped down to the main part of the couch to sit beside Halm.
Halm reached for Nix's cheek, turning him human again.
"Cas and I were talking," he explained, "And he's… Worried. He's worried that when you die, you'll have to leave. He really doesn't know what he'll do without you. And… We want to know if you'd be willing to stay. Permanently. Like Cas, with me… Claiming you." Halm fell quiet, letting Nix think this over.
Nix considered for a few seconds, thinking. After considering for a bit, he nodded and looked back up at Halm. "It is my duty to protect him. He needs me."
Halm nodded. Just like he had thought. He offered his hand to Nix.
"Alright then. I need your hand."
Nix offered his hand to Halm, humming softly to himself. He looked up at him curiously. "Why do you want it?"
"It's the easiest way for me to Claim you," Halm explained. He held Nix's gently, and in a moment Nix's wrist flashed. Halm's mark started to appear, just like it was on Cas.
Nix jumped, startled by the sudden flash. He kept still, though, figuring out was important to the process.
Halm looked up when Nix jumped. He was still a cat on the inside, after all. He let go of Nix's hand when the the mark had completely appeared.
"There, it's done," Halm said. "Thank you."
Nix nodded and curled up on the couch. This wasn't as easy for him to do as a human, but he was trying his best.
"Do you want to go back to normal?" Halm asked. He could tell Nix was struggling. Still, he might not. It was easier to protect Cas like this.
Nix nodded a bit. While it was interesting to be in human form and he was definitely bigger, he wasn't familiar with it.
Halm reached out, carefully touching Nix's cheek. Nix was quickly back to his cat form. Maybe someday he would be comfortable in both, but for now Halm knew this was the easiest form for Nix to be in.
Nix curled up more tightly to be comfortable, now purring. He had his head against Halm's leg.
Halm smiled gently, lightly petting Nix. He was glad Nix was okay with him. It helped Cas adjust better. He yawned.
Nix eventually climbed Halm's leg and sprawled across his lap to sleep, purring contentedly.
"Nix," Halm said gently. "I need to get to bed too you know." He chuckled a little, picking Nix up and doing his best not to jostle him.
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