"You can't, I promise," Cicada gave him a side grin as she held her arms to stop herself from messing with her hair. She let out a slight breath, "But yes, I'm positive."
"You can't, I promise," Cicada gave him a side grin as she held her arms to stop herself from messing with her hair. She let out a slight breath, "But yes, I'm positive."
Phoenix nodded, holding an empty hand out to her so he could lead her on. "Well, then you need to come with me at least." Phoenix hummed, pulling his lips up into a smile.
Cicada took his hand with a softer smile. She did end up messing with her hair a little as she let Phoenix lead to the ticket reward area, "Fine, I can do that much."
Glancing back at her, he brightened his smile and came up to the ticket counter. Phoenix kneeled down, glancing over the prizes. "I'm not much better than I'm assuming you are at this." He hummed.
Cicada let out a little laugh as she watched him with crossed arms. She hummed a little as she looked over the prizes, "Well, um, at least I don't have the pressure? Sorry?"
"No need to be," Phoenix hummed, standing back up and catching sight of one of the bigger prizes. It was silly, but it was a stuffed bear, and cost 300 tickets. "How 'bout that?"
"I, sure," Cicada said spotting the bear. She tried to keep her cheeks from going red again by reminding herself she probably would have grabbed the bear herself if given the chance.
Pulling fifteen tickets out of the pile, he slid them over to the ticket tender. "Can we get that bear?" He asked him, holding on to the extras. "And that lollipop?" Phoenix hummed, setting the other fifteen on the counter.
The guy behind the counter took the tickets counting them quickly with a glance before grabbing the bear off of the wall and putting in on the counter. He went for the lollipop and asked Phoenix, "The bear for your girlfriend?"
Phoenix glanced over at Cicada, and laughed weakly. "No sir, we're just friends." He insisted, trying to keep the blush from rising up on his face. He kept it cool, trying not to let the idea go to his head.
The guy nodded and put the lollipop on the counter, "Got it. Sorry for thinking otherwise."
Cicada had to focus on trying not to blush as well glancing at Phoenix. She, it was too soon. The mistake was honest and nothing was there.
It honestly killed him to friend zone her. But he didn't just want to go along with it, and pretend if she didn't like the idea. "It's all good. Nothing to worry about." Phoenix insisted, slicking his hair back out of his face. Taking the two things, he handed the bear over to her. "Ready to head out?"
Cicada took the bear and held with both her arms holding it close to her chest. She nodded a little as she began to head to the door, "Um, yeah. Where do you want to go for dinner?"
"Dunno," Phoenix hummed with a light smile. "Do you have a preference what kind of food we do?" He asked, pulling the door open for her and leaning up against it.
"Hmmmm, can you handle spicy food?" Cicada asked him as she walked through the door. She gave him a little smile, "Cause if you can then we should definitely have that."
"I mean sure, I can handle it." Phoenix hummed, unlocking his car so they could get in. "If that's what you want, I'd be happy to take you somewhere like that."
"I would love that," Cicada responded grinning. She opened her own door before Phoenix could get to it.
Chuckling lightly, Phoenix let her do so and ducked into his own seat. “Alright, what kind of spicy? Spicy barbecue? Anything specific?” He asked softly, clicking his seat belt in place.
“Not spicy barbecue, something else,” Cicada told him as she thought. She buckled up and held the bear in her lap, “Spicy noodles if we can do that?”
"I'm sure that's a possibility." Phoenix hummed, pulling his phone up to find what she had asked for. "It might take just a little bit of looking. Nothing too difficult."
"Okay," Cicada smiled over at him as she watched him. She went to pull out her phone as well, "I can help you look if you want me to."
"That'd be great." Phoenix chirped, glancing over at her with a smile. "If you find anything, let me know. I'd suggest checking the reviews as well."
"Got it!" Cicada replied happily as she started searching as well. She would be fine with anything spicy, but she wanted noodles at the moment. A lot of places she found didn't have the best reviews.
After a few minutes of looking, Phoenix found a small place that had pretty decent reviews. "How does this sound to you?" He asked, forwarding the link into a text message. "Sound any good?"
Cicada checked out the link and looked over it. She had a light smile on and nodded over to Phoenix, "Yeah it sounds great! Do you need me to give you direction there?"
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