"if it's any consolation I think you're amazing Dylan in every way"
"if it's any consolation I think you're amazing Dylan in every way"
He felt a soft smile pull back up, and he dropped his head. "Thank you for your opinion, I'll keep that in mind." Dylan told her softly, glancing back up to her.
She smiled softly giving his hand a squeeze
Feeling the reassuring touch, he couldn't help himself but relax. It sure had been awhile, since anything like this. But he was 21, it wasn't like he was a kid anymore. Yet, he needed it more than he thought.
She smiled as she felt him relax " Your amazing Fitzpatrick"
Dylan didn't respond, only rested his head on her shoulder with a sigh. The longer they sat here, the more and more tired he got. "Mm… thanks Wolfe."
She brought her other hand to rub his arm "No problem"
As he leaned against her, and started to relax, he heard the door crack open. After a couple of seconds, he felt a furry creature rubbing up against his legs and he smile softly. "What are you doing in here, Nico?" He asked, leaning over to pick up a decent sized dark grey cat.
Her smile grew wider as she looked at the animal
Holding it to his chest, he gently petted the top of it's head with a smile. "This is Payton's cat, Nico. He really shouldn't be in here, but I'm too tired to care right now." Dylan told her with a light laugh.
"he's precious" she said with a smile but she wasn't looking Nico she looked at Dylan
Laughing lightly, Dylan continued to pet Nico with a soft sigh. "Payton got him when she turned fifteen. We've had him for a few years."
She sighed softly she smiled a small smile
Lifting his head from the soft cat, he gave her a worried look. "You alright?"
"I'm okay" she said standing up from the bench
Dylan watched her, setting Nico down before standing up. "You sure?"
She nodded "Yeah I'm okay " she said with a smile
Nodding back, he picked up his guitar once more and tucked it under his arm. "We can do something else, if you're not interested in staying in here anymore."
" No it's alright" she said with a soft smile
Dylan smiled back pulling the guitar in front of him and started to play the melody to one of his already written songs. "Seriously, just tell me if you get bored. This is technically work for me, and I was working all weekend. I can take a break."
She put her hands on his shoulders " I'd love to help you"
He nodded, and didn't say anything more about it. "Well… I guess we should get to it. Though the love song might not happen."
"What are your ideas" she said
"Currently? None. I wrote one or two for the album already, but neither of them fit for the first track." Dylan hummed, slowing down the guitar song. "I really am at a loss today. I didn't get much sleep yesterday night."
"then why don't you sit down and just talk to me don't worry about your music your celebrity lifestyle your family just talk to me" she said
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