@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"But about what?" Dylan asked her softly, walking back up to the closet to put away his guitar. He knew she probably didn't want him trying to think of a song, so he should put the temptation away.
"But about what?" Dylan asked her softly, walking back up to the closet to put away his guitar. He knew she probably didn't want him trying to think of a song, so he should put the temptation away.
"just talk" she said
Sighing weakly, he came back over and sat himself down on the floor. "I'm not usually one to talk… but I can try. You really don't mind listening?" Dylan asked, crossing his legs as he sat on the floor.
She sat down in front of him crossing her legs as he did " not at all*
Resting his chin on his palms, he fell into his thoughts so he could find something to talk about. "Much harder than it should be…" Dylan mumbled before finally starting with something. "I- I guess I could start with my life."
She held her hands out to.him"Just talk to me"
"I know- I just… I'm really really bad at making conversation." Dylan whispered, taking her hands and giving them a gentle squeeze. "I could explain why…" Dylan whispered, biting on his lower lip. "It's- it's kind of complicated though."
She sighed lacing thier fingers together "you don't have to you can talk to me a about anything" she said
"I've got nothing else to talk about," Dylan insisted, running his thumb over her hand. "I just… I was never great. We moved to this area, and I started going to school. But when I entered sixth grade, me and Payton…. well, we were always together. And nobody really liked her. So nobody liked me…"
She nodded feeling relaxed at the gesture
"I just… it got so bad, my dad pulled us both from school when I was about to go into highschool. He homeschooled us, which I was quite grateful for. The few friends I had made stuck around… until I got famous. As soon as that happened, I didn't have friends anymore. I've just been…. so nervous ever since. I haven't really been great at making friends, because I'm scared history will repeat itself."
"you will always have me I know I'm not much but I don't abandon the people I care about" she said
"I'm still a nervous wreck when it comes to talking to people." Dylan sighed, squeezing her hand gently. "You have no clue how shaky I was when talking to Kathy."
"I could tell the way you were talking" she said "but Dylan you don't have to be famous to get people to like you may have gone to your concert but I'm not here today because your famous extremely attractive but because your a normal person who cares" she said
"I know I don't have to be famous to make friends. Having friends while I'm famous… is actually kind of terrifying. I had normal friends, who pretended to like me. They only liked what I could give them." Dylan insisted, wanting to curl up and just sleep these memories away.
She sighed and let go of one of his hands to cup his cheek " I'm sorry"
"It's… it's not your fault." Dylan mumbled, pulling back from the gentle touch. He couldn't get attached, he just couldn't. "I was just an idiot, that's all."
She shook her head and stood up sticking her hands in her pockets she was going to get attached and she couldn't do that he didn't like her like that she couldn't afford heartbreak right now she had worked too hard
When she stood, he swallowed down anything he wanted to stay about her staying. Holding him close. Telling him she cared. God it was a lot harder than he thought. "I- do you wanna… wanna grab lunch, or something?"
She looked at him "sure" she said with a soft smile
Nodding weakly, he pushed up off the ground and held a hand out to her. "We can get it from the kitchen, or order something in. Do you have a preference?"
"um no" she said taking his hand that he had offered
"Then I might just make sandwiches." Dylan hummed, leading her into the kitchen. "Anything you don't like, or are alregic to?" He asked her, glancing back to see Nico was following them.
"Nope no allergies" she said " and I'll rat anything " she said
"Alright, then how does a simple PB&J sound?" Dylan asked her, stepping into the kitchen. "Appetizing at all?"
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