@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Alright." Dylan hummed, and quickly finishing his food. With the empty plate, he threw it away.
"Alright." Dylan hummed, and quickly finishing his food. With the empty plate, he threw it away.
She had finished her food and smiled "were on TV during internationals " she said throwing her plate away
Glancing over at her, he raised an eyebrow in interest. "Are you now? I'll have to make some time to watch. When's the competition?"
"not for a while but I'll send you the time and date when I find out" she said
"That would be lovely… maybe also the channel." Dylan hummed, with a light smile. "Or the location. If I'm free, and able to, I could possibly come."
" yeah sure" she said with a smile sticking her hands back in her pockets
Glancing over at her, he felt a light flush pull up on his cheeks. He didn't know why, but she looked really cute standing there. "W-well anyways. What now?"
She shrugged " I don't know " she said smiling and biting her lip as she saw him blush and heard him stutter which made her blush
Sucking in a deep breath, he glanced down at Nico who was rubbing up against his legs. Sighing weakly, he picked the cat up and glanced at the door. "We could go to the backyard."
She nodded " sure" she said her smile softening
Glancing up at her, his flush stayed as he smiled. Dylan kissed the top of the cat's head before setting him down. "Then we should head out."
" sure " she said " lead the way"
Nodding, Dylan led her on with a gentle smile. "It's this way." He hummed, holding a hand back to her.
She walked over to him and grabbed his hand with a smile
Dylan smiled, lacing their fingers together as he came up to the back door. "I'm assuming you didn't bring a swimsuit?"
She smiled as felt thier fingers intwine with a blush " No I did not " she said
"That's alright. Just thought I'd ask, because I have a pool." Dylan hummed with a light shrug. "Maybe some other time."
"Maybe" she said lightly squeezing his hand looking down at the ground
As they stepped outside, he stepped off to the side so she could walk out. "I'll leave it up to you."
She walked out the door and smiled her opening slightly she loved the outdoors even a backyard
The big back yard was pretty grassy all around, except right around the pool. But it was nice, with a few trees shooting up. "Here, there's chairs out on the deck." He hummed softly.
She looked down at the grass surrounding her feet and smiled
"Not much, considering it could be a lot more, but I enjoy being out here." Dylan told her softly, sitting down in one of the chairs.
She smiled sitting down beside him in a different chair
“I feel like I’m rambling… am I bugging you?” Dylan asked softly, sitting on the edge of his seat.
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