"I'm sure it's not" she said
"I'm sure it's not" she said
Nodding a bit, he came up to one of the trees, and walked around to the back. A wooden ladder was nailed into the tree, so you'd have to climb to see what was up there.
She looked over at him " what's this?" She asked
"It's a tree house." He told her, gesturing for her to go up. "One that was here when we moved in."
She looked at him before starting to climb
When she reached the top, there were pictures hung up on the walls. Letters, drawings, anything a normal kid would hang up on the wall. It was decorated for a child much younger than Phoenix. Probably six or seven.
"Wow " she said with a smile
"Now, I should explain. It was like this when I got here. We didn't move into this house until I was sixteen." Dylan hummed, leaning against the frame of the entrance.
"This is amazing she said running her fingers over the wood before turning to look at him
"This is one of my favorite places on the property. I come here when I need that child-like wonder, feeling." He whispered, sitting on a spot on the floor.
She smiled nl sitting next to him
"It was odd… I found it like this. I'm assuming the kid grew up and forgot about it." He mumbled, resting his chin on his palms.
She nodded "Yeah looks like it " she said
Dylan sighed, and fell quiet. He didn't really need to, or want to talk right now. Just sitting there made him plenty happy.
She smiled looking at the different pictures on the wall
On that picture, was of a kid playing football. It was a little better drawn then some of the others. But it wasn't the best. But you could definitely see the progression.
She smiled softly "This is incredible Dylan" she said looking at him
He smiled softly, not really bothering to respond. It was easier to take in the wonder than to try and talk about it. Dylan found it more fulfilling.
She pulled her legs up to her chest wrapping up arms around her knees with a smile
The soft breeze that came in was nice. It shifted papers, keeping things from being the kind of quiet no one likes. It was peaceful, relaxing.
She closed her eyes resting the side of her head on her knees
"You alright?" Dylan asked softly, glancing over at her with a light smile.
She opened her eyes "I'm perfect" she said
"That you are." Dylan replied, without even knowing what he had said. It had come, just too naturally.
She smiled at him "What?" She asked
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