He pouted with a whimper but didn't say anything more, just watching his screen.
He pouted with a whimper but didn't say anything more, just watching his screen.
Logan leaned into him slightly and nudged his head in the crook of his neck for comfort. He had almost finished with altering a few of the pictures for the gallery show next week, now he had to send in the final result to printing and all would be set
Jackson hummed a song tune as Logan worked so that he had something else to focus on rather than just the screen so he could relax, staring at the screen as he worked.
He sighed softly, growing drowsy when he listened to the song. He leaned heavily against Jackson, nodding himself awake as he tried to finish up the final photo
"Logan, I can tell you're sleepy. Take a quick nap, I'll wake you in an hour if you don't wake up yourself, okay?" He muttered softly before continuing his song.
Logan whined, snuggling against Jackson more and shook his head "i'm almost done, just a few more…" he protested softly
"Logan, I will take the laptop away from you. Unlike you, I am perfectly awake and therefore able to keep it away from you."
"Nooo," he sighed and sat up, saving all his progress and setting the lap top aside "fine, I'll sleep but only for an hour. I need this in by midnight." he lied back against Jackson and nuzzled into his side
Jackson smiled a little, wrapping Logan in his arms and going back to humming softly. "I'll wake you, I promise. Now get some sleep."
He hummed and nodded, mumbling a 'thank you' as he drifted off, wrapping his arms around Jackson's torso before fulling slipping off into sleep.
Jackson didn't mind, honestly finding it adorable. He just held him and continued to hum, not wanting to stop in case the sudden silence woke him.
Logan tightened his arms around jackson's waist as he slept, fitfully wining and shuddering as if trying to shake off a bad dream.
"Logan, it's just a dream." He whispered, holding him tighter as he tried to get him to settle. "You're okay, everything's okay."
Logan whimpered softly for a few moments, his shuddering stopping as Jackson held him close. After a few moment he managed to settle back down
He kissed the top of his head gently, not daring to let go of him for even a second.
Logan sighed softly and nudged his head against Jackson’s. Eventually he slowly awoke, blinking a few times before looking up at Jackson
He was still worried about Logan, a soft frown on his lips. "You okay? You were pretty restless."
He blushed softly and nodded “yeah, I’m ok. I’m not used to sleeping with another person unless it’s Raz.”
He blushed pink, looking away from him. "Might want to rephrase that before I start taking that sentence the wrong way."
Logan laughed softly and shook his head “it doesn’t mean that. Only sleeping, not the other stuff. Before I came here, I had a rough time sleeping so I would always go to his room and sleep with him. It wasn’t anything weird, I just like having someone around me, it’s made me feel safe.”
"Yeah, I figured that." He chuckled. "But now we're snowed in together so you've got me here for that." And maybe even after all this, if I'm lucky…
Logan looked away with a blush and nodded "thank you darlin'." he rested his head against Jackson's chest and nuzzled into his neck
"Just trying to help." He blushed pink, cuddling him close.
Lo smiled at the blush and tapped Jackson's chin lightly with a gentle finger "you're cute when you do that." he noted, biting his lip gently and burying his face against Jackson's shoulder
His blush darkened as he gave Logan a slight squeeze. "Thanks, I guess."
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