forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan laughed “aw, the poor thing.” He said, scooting closer to Jackson and pressing close to him


"To be honest, I think she was into me. I don't understand why seeing as we're literally forbidden to fall in love with each other, I couldn't even see her, and she annoyed the snot out of me."


“Maybe that’s why, she was told she couldn’t have you so she went to prove that she did. That or she really did have genuine feelings for you.” He reasoned, nestling his head on Jackson’s lap


"Either way, she's an angel, I'm gay, and she was annoying as all hell. Even if I could see her and she confessed, I would've turned her down."


"yeah, makes sense." Logan said, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. "Well, this was a wird start to the morning." he confessed with an awkward laugh


He shook his head "nah, I would've found out from Jay or Raz eventually. Though I'm glad I found out from you. I don't know if i would have believed them." he stood and put the cup back in the kitchen, "I'm gonna do some revisions for work, if you need anything I'll be in bed and theres always food in the fridge if you're hungry." he said, still feeling awkward and strangly empty without the other's comfort near him


Logan smiled softly and waved for him to come with him "You're just gonna get bored watching but it's better than sitting out here alone."


"You seem to doubt my tolerance for boring things." He wrapped the blanket that they'd been cuddling in around himself, following Logan with a slight smile.


"So you're telling me that you don't get bored easily? How? I get bored looking at a Tv for 5 minutes, it's mostly why i've never seen the lord of the rings movies in full." he flopped into bed and curled up in the blankets, pulling his laptop on his lap and opening up a few pages of work for him to begin going over


"Logan, I'm a jeweler. My work must be the most boring thing on the face of the Earth. But I still do it and I still love what I do. Boring is the name of the game for me."


"well then that's something completly different. if your job or whatever you choose to do is something you love, then it's hard for it to be boring for you. Sure there are some slow days and then there are the days you question your sanity but you still love your job. To others it might seem boring but it isnt't for you."


"No, seriously, it's horrendously boring. I sit and set extremely small diamonds in extremely small rings until I'm so cross-eyed that I can't see straight anymore on the regular. It's soooo boring."


"oh, then I guess you do have a tolerance for boring things. I'll switch jobs with you anytime you feel like a change of scenery. If you think setting stones is boring you should see how fixing up images in Photoshop and waiting them to print is." he said, patting the spot beside him for Jackson to sit


He took the spot next to him with a chuckle. "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer one day. Waiting for something to print doesn't sound so bad, at least you can physically watch the progress."


Logan shook his head with a laugh "oh no my dear, it's far less entertaining than that. while physically going out into the work=ld and taking the pictures are fun, the work of editing out strangers in the background or a smudge on the camera lenses is no walk in the park. As for the printing, it is satisfying to watch your photos come out on a shiny piece of paper but seeing it a million times over makes my head spin."


"Well maybe you just need a distraction to help your brain not fizzle out." He snuggled into his side. "And I would be more than happy to offer my services."


Logan wrapped his arm around jackson and tilted his head, a light blush rising on his cheeks "really? unless you're offering to take over my job so I can retire, I can't really imagine any other distraction that would work." he teased with a smile


"how is retiring basic?" he smiled and turned to Jackson, when he kissed his cheek "hm, that would be very distracting, darlin. "


"I know it's distracting, that's the point. See? It works!" He laughed, smiling brightly. He was already doing better although his personality was a little more tame than usual.


Logan shook his head with a laugh and pressed a kiss to his lips "there, thats all you get until I'm done with this." he said, pointing to the computer and pulling it into his lap


Logan whined softly and nudged Jackson's head "but loooovvvee, I have to wooooorrrrkkkkk. I'll kiss you later, promise."