Mycah continued through the store, grabbing some more stuff they might need. "Are we missing anything?" They asked, looking at Winter. The basket was pretty full, and Mycah was mostly sure they had everything they needed, at least for now.
Winter looked in the basket, taking in everything, and shook his head. "No, I think that's it." he replied with a quick smile, looking over at Mycah.
"Good. Let's get out of here," Mycah breathed, walking up to an open check-out line. They handed their basket to the cashier, then unslung their backpack. As the cashier was checking things out, they tried to make it look like the money was in a wallet or something less suspicious than inside a pocket of a backpack.
Winter nodded a little bt. "Yeah, alright." he replied, following mycah to the counter and keeping an eye out for anyone and anything suspicious.
Mycah was waiting rather impatiently for the cashier to finish scanning everything, but they really just wanted to be out of there. There were too many people there and not enough exits. The cashier finally told them the total, and Mycah quickly gave them the correct amount of money. They shoved the change in the backpack and picked up the two bags of stuff.
Winter led the way out, holding the door for Mycah. "I can take a bag, if you like." he said after a moment.
"Oh, thank you." Mycah handed Winter a bag with a smile. "Oh, gods, we forgot to ask about jobs in the supermarket," They realized, glancing back at the doors. "It's too late. We're already out. Maybe later." Mycah shook their head and kept walking away from the supermarket.
Winter sighed softly, taking the bag. "Yeah. We can go looking for jobs tomorrow, when we have more time." He replied with a nod. "We should try and find some bedding supplies."
"Yeah. We have a little bit of money still… well when I say a little bit, I don't know. We'll have to figure out how much, exactly." Mycah started back towards the main street. "Where do you propose we go find bedding supplies?"
"Uhm…" he shrugged. "I don't know." he replied slowly. "I just know we should get at least some cheap sleeping bags or something."
"Hmm." Mycah nodded. "So… a camping store or something like that, maybe?" They suggested, shrugging slightly. "Or we could go back to the supermarket and see if they have any there."
"Maybe. Either option would probably work. Though I don't really want to go back into that supermarket." he shook his head a little bit. "Too many people."
"Agreed." Mycah nodded enthusiastically. "Let's walk around some more. We're near the woods, so there should be some sort of outdoor gear store around here somewhere."
He nodded. "Alright." he said, taking a deep breath and looking around for a store that would carry what they needed.
Mycah looked around as well, hoping that it wouldn't be another trying-to-find-a-bank-in-Merilla search. That had not been fun. And they really didn't feel like dragging the groceries all over town.
He sighed softly, still holding one of the grocery bags as they looked around for a place to buy sleeping bags.
Mycah finally spotted something promising and pointed towards it. "I think that's what we're looking for!" They walked towards the store, hoping it was open.
He nodded a little, walking with Mycah. "It better be." he replied. He held the door for the other, eyes still scanning for threats.
Mycah walked into the store, which did look very promising inside as well. They scanned the signs hanging over the aisles, looking for something that said 'sleeping bags'.
Winter looked as well. "Over there." he pointed over to a sign, and started walking towards it.
"Good." Mycah followed him over, hoping that there were some cheap ones for sale. And that the cheap ones, if they did exist, weren't too bad. They were really doing a lot of hoping these days.
Winter led him over, looking at the different ones, comparing prices with a faint frown on his face.
"How is it looking?" Mycah asked, glancing around to make sure no one was sneaking up on them. "Are they all expensive?" They looked back at the sleeping bags.
"There are a few decent ones, but most of the cheap ones are kids ones. And while you might fit in a kids sleeping bag, I won't." Winter replied.
"You're right," Mycah laughed slightly. "I guess we grab the cheapest ones that aren't kids' and hope for the best," They suggested, shrugging slightly. "We need them, anyway."