forum "This war never ended, did it? Not for us." // O/O // Closed
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"A walk it is, then. Spending an entire day in that house doesn't sound that nice, anyways." Mycah pressed down on the gas slightly. "We might be able to find a locksmith for the door, too."


Winter nodded. "Although…we should try and figure out who really owns the place, and maybe later actually purchase it. That way we don't run into legal trouble because of that."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Good idea." Mycah agreed. "Maybe we would have to do that with the car too at some point." The road spit them out onto a nicer road, and Mycah pressed down on the gas a little more. Driving so slow was making them a bit annoyed.


"Well…the car we should probably abandon sooner rather than later, just in case the owner comes looking." he replied. "I realize that we just robbed a bank, but we can't afford to take too many risks."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Mmm." Mycah nodded. "Maybe that could be one of our first purchases with our new money?" The first houses started passing by the car, and Mycah tried to remember the way to their house. "Where should we leave the car?"


Winter frowned a little bit. "I'd say the outskirts of town, nowhere near our house." He replied slowly. "We don't want anything to point at us."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Here should be good, then." Mycah decided, pulling onto the side of the road. They hadn't seen any signs saying they couldn't part there, and it was pretty far away from their house.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah turned the car off, wondering what they should do about the bag full of money. "Do you think this," they gestured at the bag, "would be safer in the car or in the house? Or somewhere else?"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright." Mycah grabbed the bag and stuffed it into their backpack, then slung the backpack over their shoulder. They opened the door and got out. "We'll make a stop there at some point."


Winter nodded, and got out of the car. "Alright. Let's go." He said, taking a deep breath. "And we'll need jobs, food, and bedding. That's our immediate focus."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Agreed." Mycah started walking down the road, hoping they could find the way to the house. As they walked, Mycah was checking around, seeing if there were any places they might stop at and if anyone was looking at them weirdly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hmm." Mycah nodded. "We should probably stop at a supermarket sometime today, then. Eating out every single day will drain our money a lot." They glanced around, then turned down a street to head towards the house. "Do you remember if anything in the kitchen was working?"


Winter looked over. "I didn't test them." he replied with a shrug. "But we can test them when we get back to the house." he smiled a little bit.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"If they don't work, we might need to invest in either repair or just getting some mini ones from the store," Mycah said, looking over at him. They were almost to the house, and Mycah was itching to get rid of the big bulk of the money. It was making them a bit nervous to be having so much with them.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"We should make a list when we get back to the house," Mycah decided, spotting the house and heaving a small sigh of relief. "Most important to least important."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Right." Mycah nodded and turned onto the sidewalk leading up to the door. They started putting together a list in their mind so it wouldn't take too long to write it down. Mycah pressed their hand on the lock, then held the door open for Winter.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay." Mycah nodded, taking off their backpack and pulling the bag of money out. "Did you find any good hiding places when you looked around the house earlier?" They called, glancing around. They'd found a loose floorboard or two, which could do in a pinch.