forum "This war never ended, did it? Not for us." // O/O // Closed
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah kept walking. Across the street, a pair of people were walking, and they gave Mycah and Winter suspicious looks as they passed. The road in front of them was coming up to a dead end, which was unfortunate. "Find any good ones yet?" Mycah asked Winter, looking for another road they could turn onto.


Winter frowned a little bit. "Not yet." he replied simply. "You?" he watched the couple from the corner of his eye for a moment, before his gaze returned to the road.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah sighed and glanced at the houses in front of them. "No… wait, what about that one?" They pointed out a house with an overgrown yard near the end of the street. It could be that the owner was lazy, but Mycah was hoping that there wasn't an owner at all.


Winter looked, cocking his head slightly. "Yeah, that would probably work." he replied, heading towards the house. "We should knock on the door first, though."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, agreed." Mycah nodded, keeping a little behind Winter. As they walked, they prayed to Elief that the house was empty. It would take off a whole bunch of work from the next day, which meant that they could rob the bank tomorrow instead.


Winter walked up to the door, knocking on it and waiting to see if anyone would answer it. He crossed his arms loosely as he waited, cocking his chin.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah stood behind him, glaring at the door as if that alone could keep anyone from answering the door. And it appeared to work. Nothing but silence came from beyond the door. "Do you think that means it's good?" Mycah asked quietly, peeking around Winter at the door. "Or is the owner just asleep or out doing stuff?"


Winter shrugged. "Depends. Can you get the door open? That'll be the easiest way to find out." he stepped back to give Mycah access to the door.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah nodded and stepped forward, kneeling down so their eyes were level with the door. They carefully placed their palm over the keyhole and closed their eyes. A minute or so later, the lock clicked and Mycah opened their eyes. They were getting better at this.


Winter smiled a little bit. "Good job." he pushed the door open, drawing out a dagger just in case someone was inside. "You want to go first, or should I?"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"You can. I'm not very good at close-range fighting." Mycah waved him forward, holding up their arm just in case. They glanced over their shoulder to make sure no one was watching them or coming towards the house from outside, but it was quiet.


Winter nodded, and headed inside, his dagger drawn and ready to fight with if necessary. He didn't see anyone, but his eyes were still adjusting to the light change.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah followed him inside, their steps light and as quiet as they could make them. After a few seconds of thought, they gently pushed the door closed. If someone passing by saw the door open and knew it was abandoned, they would probably call someone and Mycah and Winter would have to leave.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

From what Mycah could see, the house seemed pretty empty. There didn't seem to be much furniture or anything that said 'someone lives here'. "It looks pretty good, don't you think?"


He nodded. "Mhm. Seems to be in good repair, and it doesn't stink." He replied. "Be a decent enough place to live." He said with a faint smile.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah." Mycah nodded, a smile appearing on their face. "Well, we should shut it up again so no one gets in. And what would you say we go for a walk to get some takeout? It's not too late yet and I'm craving something that isn't trail mix or protein bars."


Winter looked at him, and nodded. "Yeah, sure." He replied with a quick smile. "Sounds like a good idea." He headed back over to the door, opening it up and stepping outside.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah followed him outside, pausing to relock the door before walking back to the sidewalk. The sky was starting to get streaks of red and orange in it as the sun went down. Mycah stared up at it, a contented look on their face.


Winter looked up at the sky for a moment, then returned his attention to the area around them. "Well. You wanted to get food, yeah? So where are we going?"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I…" Mycah trailer off, thinking hard. "I think I remember a good place, if it's still open." They frowned, trying to remember the place. It had been on the main road, as far as they remembered. "This way, I think." Mycah started back towards the center of the town.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah led Winter to the main road, then started walking down it. There were more people here, and Mycah reluctantly took their hair out of the braid and brushed it in front of their eyes again. It was slightly wavy from being in the braid, which made Mycah slightly less annoyed about it being in their face.


Winter smiled a little when he saw the waves in Mycah's hair, but didn't say anything, looking around the town critically, keeping an eye out for any potential dangers.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah looked around, finally spotting the place they were looking for. "There!" They nodded towards the building, which looked open. As they got closer, Mycah started smelling the food. It brought back good memories, and they smiled slightly as they approached the door.