Winter kept driving. The car's movements weren't too bad, just a little…inexperienced. "Ah…I think so." he replied slowly as he drove, trying to keep his focus on the road ahead.
Winter kept driving. The car's movements weren't too bad, just a little…inexperienced. "Ah…I think so." he replied slowly as he drove, trying to keep his focus on the road ahead.
"Good." Mycah nodded, crossing their legs and staring out the window. "Hopefully no one notices we stole their car too soon," they muttered, finally giving in and brushing all the hair away from their face. It didn't matter that much now, anyway– the car's windows were tinted.
Winter laughed faintly. "Hopefully." he replied. His driving got better as he settled into the rhythm of it, and he relaxed a little, his hands on the steering wheel.
The road led out of town, the buildings replaced with pine trees on one side and the ocean, far below, on the other. Mycah couldn't figure out where to look– the glittering water or the dark trees. They settled for looking between both of them, though before long they just stared into the forest. The adrenaline rush of… well, everything, was wearing off, and they could feel their eyes getting heavy. It defiantly helped that Winter had gotten the hang of driving, and before long, Mycah's head was resting against the glass, their eyes closed.
Winter was quiet, continuing to just drive the car. He was a little worried, admittedly, about gas, but he figured they could cross that bridge when they came to it. He enjoyed seeing the scenery as he drove, and since there wasn't much other traffic, it wasn't an issue that he was still getting the hang of it.
Mycah was dozing, drifting in and out of consciousness. Their eyes would drift open, catching a tree or snippet of blue sky, then close. It all made a very surreal experience. After about half an hour of half-sleep, Mycah woke up for good. They didn't exactly feel better– if anything, they just felt confused. "Are we there?" They asked, blinking slowly and looking around.
Winter looked over at Mycah. "Hm? Oh. Uhm…not yet." he replied slowly, still driving. "You can go back to sleep, if you like."
"Oh." Mycah focused on the road ahead of them, which was rising slowly but steadily as the cliffs got taller. They didn't really want to go back to sleep. Their quick nap hadn't done anything good for them. Waiting for night sounded better, anyway. The car crested a small hill, revealing a small town sitting near the edge of the cliffs. Separating them from the town was a stretch of plains and a river, rushing past the town and over the edge of the cliffs. "There it is." Mycah breathed, leaning forward slightly.
Winter sat forward a little bit, still driving. He smiled a little bit as they drove into town. "Where exactly are we headed?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
(Gtg sooon)
"Here? If we could find somewhere to stay for the night, that would be lovely," Mycah replied, looking around the town. "I think I remember a cheap motel near the forest. If you keep driving this way we should probably find it."
"Alright." Winter replied, turning and remembering just in time to use the turning signal. "Ah…I'm really out of habit with driving, aren't I?" he reflected to himself, shaking his head slightly.
"I wasn't going to say anything, but… yeah." Mycah looked over at him, a glimmer of humor in their eyes. "At least you're practicing now. And you haven't run anyone over yet. I'd say you're doing pretty well." They turned to look outside, trying to find their destination. It had been a while since they'd come here– hopefully, the motel was still in business.
"How do you know I haven't? You've been asleep." Winter replied, arching an eyebrow challengingly. "Maybe I've just been mowing down pedestrians and the bumpers are covered in blood."
"I wasn't that asleep. I would've felt you running over someone," Mycah protested, raising both their eyebrows at Winter. "And besides, the people outside would have probably been screaming a lot more if the car was, in fact, covered with blood."
Winter's mouth pulled up in a faint smile, a soft laugh leaving his lips. "Ah, I know." he replied, glancing at Mycah. "I was just pulling your leg."
"Of course." Mycah gave Winter a small smile, then glanced out the windshield. "Oh, turn at the road there. Easiest way to get there," They instructed, pointing at a road that split off to the right.
Winter nodded, and turned on his turn signal, turning down the road. He was glad no one followed him down that road. He hated when a car was behind him, it made him antsy.
"I think it's that place," Mycah said, pointing to a building farther down the road. It looked old and slightly sketchy, but it appeared to be open. "It looks the same as the last time I saw it," they said as the car got closer to the building. "I think there's a parking lot on the far side."
Winter nodded, and drove around to park. He did a decent parking job, suprisingly, and then reached down to undo the wires, turning the car off. "We're going to need more gas soon, by the way."
"Nice parking," Mycah said, unbuckling the seatbelt. "Okay. There's a gas station around here somewhere. I'm sure we could find it." They grabbed their backpack and quickly looked through it. "We might also need to look for an abandoned house or something to stay after tonight." Mycah closed the backpack.
Winter nodded a little, getting out of the car. "Alright." he replied. "Or, conversely, we could take up bank robbery until we have enough money to purchase a new house."
(Mycah: Hey let's do something mildly illegal
Winter: suggests something even more illegal instead)
(That is so true. I love how chaotic they both are.)
Mycah sighed. "If we do that, let's not do it here. Maybe we could go back to Merilla," they suggested. If they were going to be robbing a bank, it wouldn't be in their favorite town. Not because they cared about the people there, but because they didn't want to have to go to a different town. "And after I've had a good night's rest," Mycah added.
(Same tho)
Winter laughed a little bit. "I wasn't exactly serious, but alright. Sounds like fun." he grinned, closing the door. "Now. Let's head into this motel, shall we?
"We can't go from killing the leader of the country to being good, law-abiding citizens right away." Mycah shrugged and got out of the car. "Indeed." They slung their backpack over their back and started walking towards the motel.
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