Winter cocked his head a little bit. "He didn't seem that bad to me." he replied with a shrug. "But then again, I don't know him as well as you."
Winter cocked his head a little bit. "He didn't seem that bad to me." he replied with a shrug. "But then again, I don't know him as well as you."
"You've never had to spend a week in the middle of the wilderness with him and it shows." Mycah started braiding their hair, an amused smile on their face.
Winter's eyebrows drew together a little bit. "No, I haven't." he replied, sitting down. "Why, what is he normally like, then?"
"Much more annoying than that." Mycah tied a hair tie around the end of their braid. "He never stopped talking." They sighed and looked at Winter. "Although he was way more bearable with Jackson around."
Winter nodded a little bit. "Ah. And Jackson is…?" He didn't recognize the name, so he had no idea who Mycah was talking about.
"Another one of the members of the third group. Crow is always claiming that 'Jackie' is his boyfriend, and Jackson is always denying it." Mycah gave a small laugh. "It's kind of a funny thing to watch. And it distracted both of them, so I didn't have to deal with either of them."
Winter let out a laugh of his own. "Yeah. That does sound amusing." He replied, smiling a little as he looked at Mycah.
"It was." Mycah nodded, smiling a little at the memories. It wasn't all wonderful– Jackson and Crow had actually tried to kill Mycah and their group at first– but they'd all gotten along in the end.
Winter nodded a little, and didn't speak again, letting Mycah reminisce. He took a deep breath, looking out the window.
Mycah sat down on the bed, resting their head in their hands. They should probably find out just how much money they had left. That way they knew what they could and couldn't do. Mycah grabbed the backpack and pulled out all the money, then set about counting it. Hopefully, they had enough money for at least one hot meal, even if it was just takeout on the motel room floor.
Winter took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "So. Our plan tomorrow is to find somewhere to stay, correct?" He asked, looking at Mycah. "And then maybe rob a bank or something."
"Correct." Mycah looked up from the pile of money and nodded. It turned out that they had a pretty good amount of money, and they just might be able to get something extra– like takeout. They'd tell Winter about it later, closer to a decent time for dinner.
Winter nodded a little bit, looking out the window again. "Right." He figured he may as well start planning for that, but he wasn't quite sure where they were going to go.
"What do you say to walking around the town for a bit to get a feel for it?" Mycah asked, gathering up the stack of counted money. "That way we won't have too much work tomorrow." And maybe they could find a take-out place during their walk.
Winter looked over at them. "Sounds like a good plan. Shall we head out now, or did you want to wait for later?" he asked, coming over to Mycah.
"Uh…" Mycah glanced out the window. "Let's go out now. I could always do with some extra sleep if we get back early." They stuffed the money into the backpack. Even if they trusted anything or anyone, Mycah still wouldn't have put the money in a safe. It was safer with them and Winter, anyways.
Winter nodded a little bit, and grabbed his own backpack, checking it to make sure there was nothing he valued inside. Satisfied that there wasn't, he dropped it to the floor again.
Mycah slung their backpack over their shoulder and stood up. With luck, they would pass somewhere with good food… wow, they were much more hungry than they had thought. "Ready?" Mycah asked, starting towards the door.
Winter nodded. "Yeah. Let's go." he replied, letting out a breath and running his hands through his hair. He opened the door and led the way out, holding it for Mycah.
"Thank you." Mycah nodded at Winter and started out of the room. They walked out of the motel, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, though there wasn't anyone to make eye contact with except for the woman behind the counter.
"Yeah, no problem." Winter replied, following Mycah out of the hotel. He wasn't as careful as Mycah about eye contact, since he didn't really care.
The road outside the motel was also empty. Mycah paused, looking up and down the road. The outskirts, to their left, would probably have more abandoned houses. But there wasn't a big chance of a good restaurant being over there. "Where should we start looking?" They asked Winter.
Winter thought for a moment. "Older sections in the outskirts are more likely." he replied. "Then there are less chances of close neighbors noticing us moving in."
"That's what I was thinking." Mycah nodded and turned left. Dinner would have to wait. As they walked, the houses got less well-kept and the forest started to loom behind houses. Mycah kept their eyes peeled for any houses that appeared empty, but didn't spot any yet.
Winter was quiet, eyes narrowed as he kept an eye out for any people or empty houses. He knew that they didn't want a house that had been abandoned for too long. Then it would be falling apart.
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